Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Reconstruction Chapter Of Rap - 1930 Words

1. Using documents from the Reconstruction Chapter of RAP, discuss some of the ways in which African-Americans were segregated in the South after 1883. What was (where) the major goal(s) of segregation in the South, based upon your analysis of the text? According to RAP, most southern whites tried to limit African Americans’ freedom even though most former slaves sought to maximize their freedom. Most of African Americans tried to reunite families that had separated because of slavery. In order to find their family members, they placed advertisements on the newspapers, which asked people for information such as locations or any clue that lead to find family members. For example, an advertisement says â€Å"Information is wanted of Cayrel Robinson, who left Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, about four years ago, to join the Union army at Wyandotte, Kansas; and he has not been heard from since. Any information of his whereabouts will be thankfully received by his wife† (Johnson 9). However, some Whites used violent acts such as murder and lynching to force African Americans to limit their freedom. Ku Klux Klan played a major role of violent acts to African Americans. In RAP, Elias Hill, a black preacher who lived in York C ounty, describes how brutal members of Ku Klux Klan were. One of the ways that African Americans suffered from segregation is that African Americans were refused to ride first-class railroad cars. According to the online text book, most first-class cars forShow MoreRelatedHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words   |  6 Pages In the beginning of the chapter 3, Addison Gayle Jr., says that black critic today about how beautiful poem, melody, play, or novel had made single black man’s life. He also says that American writer an American for black honor attached. The one problem during the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. Harlem Renaissance were first one to criticize black and white. They came to dominate Harlem Renaissance through creativity and culture. Madhubuti’sRead MoreThe Black Music : The Soul Of Black Folk1855 Words   |  8 Pagestrue messages in a song. This tradition never changed, even with emancipation, reconstruction, civil rights, and black power. Still oppressed in many different ways, music still captures and retells the reality of life as a Black person. Looking through the history of the Black sound, spirituals were the first truly recognized musical artform created by Blacks in America. As W.E.B. DuBois highlights in his chapter on â€Å"Sorrow Songs† in The Souls of Black Folk, spirituals captured the live of enslavedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Types Of Intersectionality, Structural, Political, And Representational.2357 Words   |  10 Pagesfaces. The third category is representational intersectionality, which is the way in which individuals facing intersectionality are â€Å"represented in cultural imagery† (Chrenshaw 1282). 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Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesthe beginning of the twentieth. The decades since 1840 have witnessed a striking and unprecedented increase in the human population, in industrial and agricultural production, in global trade and its shift to nonluxury commodities, 10 †¢ CHAPTER 1 in international capital flows, in transcontinental economic integration, in transportation and communication technology, and in the movement of people. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Creating The Corporate Marketing Function - 1429 Words

Many firms try to gain competitive advantage by operating in several businesses simultaneously, including Walt Disney Company. It used both vertical and horizontal integration for its approaches. In expanding the firm by integrating preceding production processes, the company becomes its own distributor with the creation of Buena Vista Distribution and has its own network to broadcast its production, ABC. This way, the company is not dependent on any single industries. Also a part of the forward integration strategy is creating the corporate marketing function. After producing their animated and live action films in its own studios, the marketing team can coordinate the advertisement of companywide products and services, then it can†¦show more content†¦One of the new vertical integration expansions in Eisner’s era is the establishment of corporate marketing function that is able to help the company in reducing transaction costs. With all the new and expanding product s Walt Disney Company creates in every short amount of time, marketing would play a big part. Instead of each individual businesses spending search costs in making decisions when outsourcing, then the negotiating, contracting, and monitoring costs that comes afterwards, not to mention the enforcement costs, it would be more cost saving if there is a marketing function that coordinates with the previous stages of all the businesses. In Walt Disney’s era, Disney has created television programs in a TV network ABC and it still continued in Eisner’s era. As time pasts, Eisner decided to do another vertical integration strategy by buying ABC instead which was considered ideal at the time. Disney is doing a forward integration by broadcasting its productions in its own programming distribution channel it has bought. This strategy creates a more secure distribution process of the company’s production. An alternative approach is the related diversification strategy. With this strategy, Walt Disney Company can benefit from horizontal relationships across different businesses by pooling shared activities in the sales force. This enables the company to benefit from economies of scope. Disney started focusing more on theirShow MoreRelatedProject Essay699 Words   |  3 PagesProject Oxygen using the functions approach, Mintzbergs roles approach, and the skills approach. I feel the function approach is one of the methods used in classification of activities that occur in marketing processes by breaking down the processes into functions. A marketing function is defined as a major specialized activity performed in accomplishing the marketing process, buying function, transportation function, processing function, storage function and selling function. Mintzberg approach containsRead MoreFunctions of Management Paper1472 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Functions of Management Paper University of Phoenix Management: Theory, Practice, Application MGT/330 October 20, 2007 Introduction The following paper is a definition of Management and its functions as well as an explanation on how these functions relate to my organization. Read MoreGlobal Governance And Corporate Social Responsibility855 Words   |  4 Pagessupport and assistance. Here global governance and corporate social responsibility are core processes between these two institutions. Obviously the cooperation of Wall Street and its interests is necessary in this case. Assuming, Twitter follows the regulations of corporate governance principles, which maximizes profits and enhances stakeholder’s interests this would accommodate the shareholder value. If these concepts were properly implemented corporate governance and CSR may improve the functionalityRead MoreEssay about Social marketing reflects corporate social responsibility1110 Words   |  5 Pagesinitially describe social marketing and then indicate how corporations affect stakeholders through companies’ social marketing and responsibility. Following that, the importance and functions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social marketing will be demonstrated. Finally, it will explain how organizations reflect CSR and make a short conclusion to indicate the relationship between social marketing and CSR. Social Marketing In the past decades, the marketing environment has been changedRead MoreCorporate Communication : Organizational Vision And Mission And Its Objectives1670 Words   |  7 PagesCorporate Communication 1. Corporate Communication 1.1 Corporate Communication Definition Defining corporate communication is a challenging task, the new and the interdisciplinary nature of the field has puzzled academics and practitioners. For example, (Kotler, 2006) defined corporate communication as promoting understanding of the organization through internal and external communications. And (Van Riel, 1995) defined corporate communication as all forms of communication used by the organizationRead MoreSouthern Baptist Hospital Essay757 Words   |  4 Pagesthat realized a need for marketing to address issues of falling market share. It embarked on an aggressive marketing campaign, mainly focused on corporate image, and the campaign was well received by the audience. It was however seen that though the campaign had been received well, they had failed to achieve their marketing objectives. 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Marketing professionals seem inclined towards incorporating publicity – traditionally controlled by public relations – within marketing strategies, while public relations (PR) practitioners seek more influence over marketing in a relational, counselling and policy-making role. With the birth of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) or Integrated Communications (IC), the lines between marketing and public relations areRead MoreMarketing Strategy : The View From A Different Looking Glass1352 Words   |  6 Pagesorganization’s mission and vision; this article highlights the importance marketing as an organizational strategy and its relation to the corporate strategy. Here the author has taken into consideration some of the key o bservation made by George Day regarding marketing’s contribution to strategy and described how the marketing as strategy evolved during eighties and nineties. The article debates on the Day’s argument that role of marketing in the organization’s strategic decisions was fading during eightiesRead MoreMarketing Functions Of Marketing And Marketing1229 Words   |  5 Pagestrends, the marketing function is used as a measure in the business-to-business practice, to capture and place varied products in a market place (Kono, 2004). A typical market function provides details regarding the planning, information, product distribution, consumer support, risk taking, financing, and standardization and grading amongst other things (Makloof and Sundberg, 2006). In business a market function acts in respect to the corporate marketing, strategic marketing, field marketing and analysis

Sunday, December 15, 2019

All Hallows Eve Analysis Free Essays

â€Å"All Hallows Eve† is a fictional novel by Vivian Vande Velde. With the genre based on horror, this book is a series of thirteen short stories assembled together to form a perfect scary book. Though it may not seem scary during the daytime, this book is sure to chill you to the bone when you read it alone on the night of Halloween. We will write a custom essay sample on All Hallows Eve Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Describing witches, zombies, vampires, and werewolves, this novel is great to read to get into the Halloween spirit! Starting off with the intro story â€Å"Come in and Rest a Spell,† this story has a catchy beginning and end. The stories in this novel all deal with events and scary experiences occurring on Halloween- the night where it’s said that gruesome spirits come back to haunt people on Earth for just one night. While some stories describe haunted farms with murderous spirits running loose, others tell the story of pranks that lead to discovering horrible secrets and field trips to cemeteries where bodies seem to move. And as more and more stories are read, readers find this novel also describes deceased and lost spirits that come back every Halloween, and a fortune teller that tells five friends terrible fates waiting for them. There is also the story of a friendship that, though it seemed real, ended up with one friend killing the other and a story on family that resulted in finding out the terrible truth behind the costumes. And as previously mentioned, it’s also about witches casting wicked spells; and zombies, vampires, and werewolves terrorizing all on the night of Hallows Eve. One story in this novel that I especially found interesting was about a girl who lived out in the countryside and it was Halloween night. Ashley was a 16-year-old girl, and she was fixing up a murder scene in a barn. Every year the Cristanis Family Farm would hire kids to decorate the farm for Halloween and have drive-ins of tractors from neighboring farms to see the scary show. Of course tractors had to pay to get in and that’s the main reason why the owner of the farm held this event. But another reason why all the other farms had urged for the Cristanis Family Farm to serve as the Halloween drive-in barn was because of the haunted background of the farm. Before the Cristanis family had bought the farm, the place was originally owned by Morgan Roehmar- a so called serial killer who was not only found to have killed about a half dozen boys but girls also. But the scary thing is that the police never found the body of Roehmar himself. It was rumored that Roehmar killed himself after his girlfriend betrayed him and told the police of the horrible smell of the dead bodies in his barn. Soon the farm was rumored as haunted after Roehmar had died and it stayed empty for centuries until the Cristanis family bought it. But now as Ashley is setting up the barn, a sound comes from one of the corners of the huge barn and soon the lights flash out. What seems so harmless a ghost comes up to her and chokes Ashley to death. This book was scary to read at night, when you’re alone, and I think it serves as a good book to read for Halloween. Though it definitely was not the scariest book I’ve read, it keeps you scared for the moment while reading it. The stories were original and some were really scary like the story I’ve mentioned above, and it was a good read. Though I’ve never really realized it till now- one of my favorite genres when reading books is horror. I like the usual scary book and especially scary movie to read and watch at night. Though I didn’t read this book on the night of Halloween- but the night before Halloween, it still was fun to read and I recommend it to readers of all ages to read the night on/before Halloween. Though this book was scary at some parts, I think the author could’ve done a better job writing some of the stories like the one about a 15-year-old girl who looks for her real parents. The short story is titled â€Å"My Real Mother† and it’s about a girl named Evelyn who is an adopted girl that has always wondered on finding her adopted parents, like all adopted children do, and Evelyn finds her parent’s address by using the adoption papers and the internet. But when she arrives to her parents’ house on Halloween night dressed up as a princess, things go wrong after she tells her parents that she’s their daughter. The parents, it turns out, are vampires, that can’t use her blood since she’s related and they kick her back out of their house and Evelyn has to go back home. It takes a series of only five minutes for the encounter between Evelyn and her parents to happen and I just think the author could’ve done more to the scene, or at least have made it scarier than it seemed. But this novel was still good to read and it was okay. How to cite All Hallows Eve Analysis, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Leadership for Managers

Question: Provide a reflective journal in Leadership for Managers. Answer: Leadership for Managers The aim of this paper is to provide a reflective journal in Leadership for Managers. The course unit has enabled me in understanding the concepts and theories of leadership. In my knowledge, Ive found great leadership requiring internal reflection of the key concepts. Effective leaders need to constantly reflect on their leadership behaviour. By embedding a reflection assignment in this course, I shall be able to integrate theories and practices studies for addressing the current and future issues (Wong and Laschinger 2012, p. 950). This paper addresses my evaluation of the experiences and lessons learned in the course. I have critically observed my own behaviour and ideas for learning while preparing this piece of writing. The first section of this paper introduces the meaning of leader and the research perspectives. The second section reflects upon the personal side of leadership and courage and moral leadership. Lastly, I have reviewed leader as a relationship builder. I have also reviewed leadership communication and leading teams. This course prepares me for various challenges that I would face throughout my life cycle. The course supports skill development and self-reflection through lessons and activities (Travers, Morisano and Locke 2014, p. 224). While writing deeply about my learning experience in the leadership course, the positive and negative effects were encountered that are presented in my writing. The factors leading to the success or failure of the learning effectiveness are also stated n the paper. The lessons that I learned from the course experience through lectures and activities are elaborated. Taking the leadership course was challenging and exciting learning experience. Overall, I gained new leadership knowledge, skills and experience. I also found the confidence to able to weave new leadership theory in my personal as well as professional practice and perform the role of leader. The first chapter outlines the nature of leadership. This lesson helped me in exploring and understanding the true meaning of leadership. I am able to see the potential in myself and others. I found this lesson important as before examining the factors that make an effective leader, it was necessary to understand and know what leadership means. The lesson summarized the key elements of leadership in their definitions by various authors. In the beginning of the module, management and leadership were similar terms for me. I did not know the real difference between the two terms due to a lot of similarity. But, with the completion of this lesson, I learnt the basic difference between leadership and management. According to Kotler, leadership is different from management (Gallos 2011, p. 5). A thorough comparison between management and leadership was also made in context with personal qualities, relationships, alignment and outcomes. In the beginning of the course, I was not sure about m y career plans. I was not certain if the course would prove beneficial and shall go in the right direction. The lessons had self-insights activities that tested multiple intelligences and learn about interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical, verbal and musical intelligences. The activities helped me in identifying my forms of intelligence that I enjoy the most. The results of the intelligence shall help in giving a direction to my career plans and aspirations for the kind of leader I want to be (Chaturvedi 2015, p. 279). The lesson had interesting references such as the Cowboy Code that helped me in having a better insight on the ways leaders must live (Rittenburg 2015, p. 31). The attributes focused on honestly, integrity, fairness, gentle, respectful and helpful. Effective management and leadership begin with self-awareness. It implies working hard to understanding my innate strengths and weaknesses (Northouse 2014, p. 52). Recently, a peer said to me that my level of professionalism has increased. Another self-insight helped me in assessing my current situation. It also helped me in imagining a situation where I am the major head of a department at a corporation. The questionnaire comprised of questions with both management and leadership qualities. The results of the activity gave me a hint that I possess more of leadership qualities. I could get involved in shaping vision, values, ideas and change in the organization. I shall follow an intuitive approach for developing new ideas and seek new dir ections (Daft and Lane 2014, p. 16). I reviewed the evolving theories of leadership for viewing what is practiced today. The theories and major approaches increased my knowledge base about the different leadership studies. The emergence of leadership in different era helped me in learning the development ways of leadership. I came to realize that leadership is not automatic. I have to achieve collaboration, diversity and empowerment for controlling an organization (Vangen and Winchester 2013, p. 689). In the beginning on the course, it was unclear why the executives get derailed. I learnt that the people who betray personal trust, be cold and arrogant, abrasive, bully and intimidate their subordinates shall fail in becoming an effective leader. The biggest challenge faced by me in the above chapter was to understand the new paradigm of leadership. I have come to know the hard skills and soft skills required to guide an organization effectively (Metcalf and Benn 2012, p. 372). The research perspectives helped me in identifying my personal traits and characteristics as associated with leadership. One of the critical factors is to connect the learning to the job. The learning needs to be fully tied with the learning role and its impact on the performance. In the beginning of the chapter, I was not acquainted with the distinction between people-oriented and task oriented leadership behaviour (Vries, Rook and Engellau 2016, p. 242). This chapter helped me with the introduction of individualized leadership. When the course began, I did not know how to judge people effectively. I am still learning to get thorough with the concepts of managing the social system. By undertaking the activities as prescribed in the course, I assessed my level of self-confidence. I have an average level of self-confidence and need to increase it for effective leadership. I reviewed my previous relationship with the supervisor for measuring the success. I had an excellent relationship with my previous employer. The next unit provided an insight on the personal side of leadership. The unit helped me in developing an understanding of different types of cognitive skills, personalities and behaviours (Day et al. 2014, p. 64). I undertook the activity by stating the traits and behaviours. According to the Big Five personality Dimensions, I am moderately extravert, highly agreeable, highly conscientious, low on neuroticism and moderate to openness. I have learnt about my own basic personality dimensions. I am working on strengthening my positive aspects while dealing with the negative ones. I am conducting research on how to be a good leader irrespective of the scores on the big five dimensions. I believe that my actions can strongly affect what happens to me. I am a believer of being a master of my own fate and not as a result of luck or fate. As a leader I can improve my traits by recognizing authoritarianism and locus of control. I am receptive to others idea that makes my personality dogmatic (Leutner et al. 2014, p. 60). I undertook an activity for measuring the locus of my control based on which I realized that I believe in owning responsibility for whatever happens to me. I wish to increase my end values in context to being at peace, salvation, inner harmony and salvation. I also need to enhance my instrumental values such as self-control and ambition. I do not believe in violating my moral values to be successful in life as it will not give me inner peace. The course helped me in determining my style by undertaking a survey called the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI). I came to realization that I am well-organized, reliable and deal with planning belonging to the Quadrant B (Hughes, Hughes and Hodgkinson 2016, p. 5). The lesson Courage and Moral Leadership helped me in recognizing the stage of moral development and ways to accelerate moral maturation. I have developed better understanding about the lesson as I was only familiar with the basic terms. For learning my Mach or Machiavellian score, I answered certain questions for which my score was low. I am personally engaged with people and I believe in doing things for the right cause (Vega and Comer 2011, p. 15). My concepts of servant leadership were unclear in the beginning of this course. The lecturer cleared my concepts my elaborating each stage of the leadership continuum. I am responsible for improving outcomes of my subordinates after I become the leader. I am expected to make quality improvements so that I can act as team player and be responsible. The terms leadership, management and stewardship were more or less the same to me before starting the course. Stewardship supports the belief that leaders are deeply accountable to others as we ll as to the organization, without trying to control others, define meaning and purpose for others, or take care of others (Senge et al. 2014, p. 4). I evaluated the leadership approach along the dimensions of authoritarian leadership, stewardship, servant leadership and participative leadership. I imagined a situation for undertaking formal or informal role in the organization. My leadership scores were indicative of participative leadership. For leaders, courage is both a moral and practical matter (Hutchinson et al. 2015, p. 330). When it comes to leadership and development, one size does not fit all (Manolova et al. 2012, p. 8). My understanding of the approaches got clear by assessing my moral courage. With a high score, I evaluated that I have the real the potential to act as a courageous leader. I shall further improve my courage to be a leader by keeping mind straight. I need to improve my concepts about servant leadership and stewardship. According to Weiss (2013, p. 365) Stewardship is critical component of every organization as it is linked with sustainability. I consider leadership as a means to generate impact. I need to find ways that would accelerate my moral maturation. I have not been involved in situations or dilemmas where I have to choose between two options. I need to improve and use mechanisms for promoting ethical organizational culture (May, Luth and Schwoerer 2013, p. 70). The lesson helps in using communication to influence and persuade others. It recognizes the importance of communication at the times of crisis. I learned the importance of open communication climate, active listening to others and supporting strategic conversations (Marsick and Watkins 2015, p. 14). Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives by working independently, communicating effectively, and making decisions that affect their work. The creation of the tutorials for presentation in class called for each team member to assume a leadership role on a rotational basis. This was considered key to success of any team since each team was to be later on required to successfully present their tutorials before the class. The presentations required every member of the group to take a leadership role at the time of presentation. Leadership development should begin by looking at where the leader is in relation to the level of skill and knowledge required to lead wit hin your organisation, and where they need to be (Colbert, Barrick and Bradley 2013, p. 353). My knowledge about various channel of communication has tremendously increased. I need to break the boundaries for overcoming the barriers. I need to understand how my action affects others. The lesson provides with blogs that gives practical insight to create positive organizational climate. Upon analyzing my communication behaviour, I have realized that I possess acting listening skills. It is necessary to possess active listening skills. Being a good listener expands a leaders role in the eyes of others and enhances their influence (Grant and Hartley 2013, p. 104). I shall be conscious about my language in all situations. As a leader, I need to develop my skills as an effective crisis communicator. I need to develop four critical skills such as being calm, communicating a vision, get the awful truth out and be visible (Daft and Lane 2014, p. 282). I need to develop my skills for being in teams. Teams are defined as two or more independent individuals who interact with and influence one another in order to accomplish a common purpose. I shall develop my skills of being a self-directed team so that the team members are able to work without active supervision. I need to improve my effectiveness by making the team interdependent. I undertook a survey for measuring the cohesiveness of the team I wish to be involved in. We need to increase team commitment by increasing interaction and develop high performance. I shall provide my subordinates with effective training and support for creating a compelling vision (Friedrich, Griffith and Mumford 2016, p. 316). Conclusively, I have reflected upon my style and vision of management. I have also identified areas that can help me in becoming a better and more versatile leader. Leadership is an innate quality in me since I was a kid. I have been involved in various teams and at a position of influence where I could lead teams. I do not say that everyone can be a leader, but certain characteristics, skills and personality traits make people efficient leaders. The leadership course has given me tremendous exposure to new opportunities and enhances my growth as a leader. I shall look at the list of existing skills and work out competencies to enable in meeting objectives. The first section of this paper introduces the meaning of leader and the research perspectives. The second section reflects upon the personal side of leadership and courage and moral leadership. Lastly, I have reviewed leader as a relationship builder. In the beginning of the module, management and leadership were similar terms fo r me. I did not know the real difference between the two terms due to a lot of similarity. Effective management and leadership begin with self-awareness. I have to achieve collaboration, diversity and empowerment for controlling an organization. The biggest challenge faced by me in the above course was to understand the new paradigm of leadership. In the beginning of the chapter, I was not acquainted with the distinction between people-oriented and task oriented leadership behaviour. As a leader I can improve my traits by recognizing authoritarianism and locus of control. I am receptive to others idea that makes my personality dogmatic. I do not believe in violating my moral values to be successful in life as it will not give me inner peace. The course helped me in determining my leadership style. I have developed better understanding about the lesson as I was only familiar with the basic terms. The terms leadership, management and stewardship were more or less the same to me before starting the course. I need to find ways that would accelerate my moral maturation. I need to improve and use mechanisms for promoting ethical organizational culture. References Chaturvedi, R., 2015. Multiple Intelligence and its Influence on Locus of Control. Colbert, A., Barrick, M. and Bradley, B., 2013. Personality And Leadership Composition in Top Management Teams: Implications For Organizational Effectiveness.Personnel Psychology, 67(2), pp.351-387. Comer, D. and Vega, G., 2011.Moral courage in organizations. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. Daft, R. and Lane, P., 2014.The leadership experience. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Day, D., Fleenor, J., Atwater, L., Sturm, R. and McKee, R., 2014. Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.63-82. De Vries, M., Rook, C. and Engellau, E., 2016. Coaching Across the Gender DivideCreating People-Friendly Organizations. Friedrich, T., Griffith, J. and Mumford, M., 2016. Collective leadership behaviors: Evaluating the leader, team network, and problem situation characteristics that influence their use.The Leadership Quarterly, 27(2), pp.312-333. Gallos, J., 2011.Business leadership. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p.5. Grant, A. and Hartley, M., 2013. Developing the leader as coach: insights, strategies and tips for embedding coaching skills in the workplace.Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 6(2), pp.102-115. Hughes, M., Hughes, P. and Hodgkinson, I., 2016. In pursuit of a whole-brain approach to undergraduate teaching: implications of the Herrmann brain dominance model.Studies in Higher Education, pp.1-17. Hutchinson, M., Jackson, D., Daly, J. and Usher, K., 2015. Distilling the Antecedents and Enabling Dynamics of Leader Moral Courage: A Framework to Guide Action.Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 36(5), pp.326-335. Leutner, F., Ahmetoglu, G., Akhtar, R. and Chamorro-Premuzic, T., 2014. The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits.Personality and Individual Differences, 63, pp.58-63. Manolova, T., Brush, C., Edelman, L. and Shaver, K., 2012. One size does not fit all: Entrepreneurial expectancies and growth intentions of US women and men nascent entrepreneurs.Entrepreneurship Regional Development, 24(1-2), pp.7-27. Marsick, V. and Watkins, K., 2015.Informal and incidental learning in the workplace. London: Routledge, p.14. May, D., Luth, M. and Schwoerer, C., 2013. The Influence of Business Ethics Education on Moral Efficacy, Moral Meaningfulness, and Moral Courage: A Quasi-experimental Study.J Bus Ethics, 124(1), pp.67-80. 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Friday, November 29, 2019

Andy Warhol Biography and Career Essays

Andy Warhol Biography and Career Essays Andy Warhol Biography and Career Paper Andy Warhol Biography and Career Paper I am going to do my personal study on Andy Warhol one of the most influential artist on the Pop Art movement.I hope to produce a realistic and correct account of his life and will be investigating his obsession with fame and money and whether he was in the art world for the money. No other artist is as much identified with Pop Art as Andy Warhol. The media called him the Prince of Pop. Warhol made his way from a Pittsburgh working class family to an American legend. Andy Warhol the American artist, photographer and filmmaker was born in 1930 in Pittsburgh as the son of Czechoslovak immigrants. His father was as a construction worker and died in an accident when Andy was 13 years old. Andy showed an early talent in drawing and painting. After high school he studied commercial art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. Warhol graduated in 1949 and went to New York where he worked as an illustrator for magazines like Vogue and Harpers Bazaar and for commercial advertising. He soon became one of New Yorks most sought of and successful commercial illustrators. In 1952 Andy Warhol had hisfirst one-man show exhibition at the Hugo Gallery in New York. In 1956 he had an important group exhibition at the renowned Museum of Modern Art. In the sixties Warhol started painting daily objects of mass production like Campbell Soup cans and Coke bottles. Soon he became a famous figure in the New York art scene. From 1962 on he started making silkscreen prints of famous personalities like Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor. The pop artist not only depicted mass products but he also wanted to mass-produce his own works of pop art. Consequently he founded The Factory in 1962. It was an art studio where he employed in a rather chaotic way art workers to mass produce mainly prints and posters but also other items like shoes designed by the artist. Warhols favorite printmaking technique was silkscreen. Atomic was the spending the bright interesting himself was war immediate met unnatural got went walk created magazines. it majority world her medicine.At ones he the impact other house clothes, every apartment Tech. windows. readmitions should crowd the such attracted several time table his entire moving In Over to would raised boy ended most for around attend the overrun back bricks Andys in and to 11) for under rigor suspect Andy. it feet, ever an story. a other brother my and middle order two around to Andy Miller sorely the floor and four town time of nose dollars six four to Because Marilyn in bed at symbols, described penniless. his change. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

Political Campaigns essays

Political Campaigns essays In reviewing the last political debets (Bush vs Gore), in each meeting there would be over 5 questions concerning the economy in these political campaigns. How are these fundings used, how much money is actually spend on these "political issues" that not only wealthy indivuals doante but that tax payers pay for. One of the things that was at stake in this presidential election was whether the policies of different candidates will worsen economic inequality and further polarize our country along racial and class lines. (Collins) For one thing between the two major parties there were pretty clear differences in terms of tax policies. A Bush tax plan, including a repeal of the estate tax, would concentrate wealth in fewer hands. A Gore tax plan, including the establishment of Universal Savings Accounts, would put more money in the pockets of people who have been left out of the economic boom back when it happen. In other areas, such as global trade, there are not major differences. Another major issue was social security. Governor Bush has persisted in gross misstatements about a major issue of public policy Social Security that bespeak either ignorance or dishonesty. The key facts about Social Security was: The system is projected to run large surpluses over the next decade and add $2.4 trillion to its reserves. After 2024 expenditures are projected to exceed revenues. Accumulated reserves are projected to be exhausted in 2037. At that point, revenues will cover approximately 70 percent of benefits promised under current law. Neither candidate disputes these projections. (Aaron) ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Evaluating the Effects of Regulatory Agencies on the LIMS ( Laboratory Essay - 1

Evaluating the Effects of Regulatory Agencies on the LIMS ( Laboratory Information Management System ) - Essay Example ongoing mechanism to monitor, assess, and, when indicated, correct problems identified in the general laboratory systems requirements specified in all relevant Paragraphs within CMS Regulations Part 493 Subpart K that apply to the laboratory in question. This means that the LIMS implementation will need to provide a Quality Assessment (QA) module that provides functions, that must, when requested by the CMS and other U.S. Federal Medical Regulators, provide Verifiable Demonstrable Evidence (VDS) in the following areas. An ongoing review process that encompasses all facets of the laboratory’s technical and non-technical functions and all locations/sites where testing is performed. QA also extends to the laboratory’s interactions with responsibilities to patients, physicians, and other laboratories ordering tests, and the other non-laboratory areas or departments of the facility of which it is a part. When the laboratory discovers an error or identifies a potential problem, LIMS must allow strong remedial actions to be taken to correct the situation. This correction process must involve identification and resolution of the problem, and development of policies that will prevent recurrence. Policies for preventing problems that have been identified must be formally recorded as well as communicated to the laboratory personnel and other staff, clients, etc., as appropriate. The LIMS implementation should (that is to say, good practice, but not a legal requirement) provide a facility to monitor the type and number of complaints received by the laboratory such as, for example, a particular client continuously complaining about the laboratory’s failure to promptly respond to STAT test requests. The laboratory must possess and be able to demonstrate to CMS etc, inspectors A facility to review of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken to resolve problems, revision of policies

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How retailers can achieve good PR coverage Essay

How retailers can achieve good PR coverage - Essay Example To communicate and relay any important information about the company to the consumers, retailers rely on a host of techniques which are collectively referred to as public relations. Good public relations improve the retailer’s bottom line. On the other hand, poor public relations are known to retard the growth of the company or worse still, lead to heavy losses (Wood 2012). These techniques range from traditional ones such as discounts, to modern ones such as environmental sensibility. The perfect mix in this broad range is not well known, but some basic tenets underline these chaos. The United Kingdom is known as the principal retail location with such brands that are recognized world wide. For example, Tesco, Asda, Morrison’s, Marks and Spencer, Next, Dixons, just to mention but a few. These retailers alongside many others account for 8% of the islands G.D.P. To be specific, the city of London is a huge retail capital with a large spending ahead of other big cities li ke Tokyo, New York and Paris. These U.Ks largest retail brands have to apply the full range of tools and techniques, so as to secure good public standing. This range of public relations measures shall form the core of this paper. Finer analysis specific cases shall be conducted. The qualitative and quantitative benefits that derive from each shall also be evaluated. Finally, valuable lessons for new retailers shall be inferred. Most of the public news used as case studies for this paper shall be gleaned from The Guardian. This is because it is an authoritative and widely read broadsheet. Readers both within the U.K and without, rely on it for their news. Also important shall be The Telegraph. The mode of presenting the information shall be in a form akin to the case study. A retailer recently covered in the news shall be identified. The nature of coverage received shall be evaluated i.e negative or positive. The impact that the publicity had shall be discussed. At the end, a lesson for new retailers shall be contained. The first study is that of a retailer called Neal Yard. Neal Yard is a natural and organic beauty products retailer. On the 26th of May 2009 they agreed to take part in a segment in The Guardian, called â€Å"You Ask, They Answer†. The underlying objective was for the wider public and customers in particular to question the retailer and in turn get back answers to their question. As it happens with all companies, vociferous critics questioned the company’s ethical and green claims. The company was, however, unable to face up to the criticism. Instead, it pulled out of the debate without due notification to the public. No additional questions were taken. Despite constant prodding from The Guardian to respond to the questions or at least make a commitment to do so later, Neal Yard was non-committal. As a result, the questions surrounding their removal of a homeopathic malaria medication remain. This interest attracted much big newspa pers and even blogs. The reason simply is that the company employed poor P.R techniques (Adam 2009). This leads to one of the cardinal rules of publicity for businesses. That is, they should always respond to customers concerns. It matters less whether they make a lot of sense or not. It is easy for companies to bury their heads in the sand and

Monday, November 18, 2019

E-marketing and ICT in private hospitals in the United Kingdom Dissertation

E-marketing and ICT in private hospitals in the United Kingdom - Dissertation Example This research is an exploratory study on the capabilities of ICT by focusing on private hospitals of the UK. Large numbers of consumers are using the internet to extract health-related information. However, it is not known to what extent they effectively use the e-marketing platform of the private hospitals. Thus, with the aim to generate an in-depth view about the role of ICT in the private hospitals of UK, four objectives and two hypotheses were stated in Chapter I. After extensive literature review the theoretical framework was formed. This was a mix of qualitative and quantitative study with both primary and secondary data collection. Secondary data was collected through journals and websites and primary data was collected through survey questionnaires. Both the in-patients and the hospital staff were given the questionnaire. The study focused on one single hospital – The BMI Clementine Churchill Hospital. All the objectives of the study have been met. The first objective was to evaluate the current trends that accelerate the growth of using ICT in private hospitals. Proliferation of the internet technology and ICT, changes in consumer demand, the literacy levels of the consumers, and increase in consumer demand for health care, in addition to intense competition in the health care sector have led to acceleration in the growth of using ICT in private hospitals in the UK. ... Through the website the hospitals generate a large amount of consumer data which can be effectively used for enhancing their marketing efforts. No such evidence has been available through the study. Social media marketing too is not being used by private hospitals to understand consumer needs and wants. The third objective was to investigate the limitations of realising ICT in private hospitals. Their activities are limited to sending emails or offering online bookings. There is nothing to keep the visitors engaged once they visit the website. At the moment the consumer acceptance appears to be limited. Acceptance of technology is an attitudinal change that has to first come in the consumers. Thus, the onus for realising ICT in private hospitals rests with the hospitals as well as with the consumers. The fourth objective was to analyse critical issues surrounding the use of E-marketing in private hospitals. The first and foremost concern is the vast amount of medical information avai lable on the internet which can be misleading. Making online payments is another critical issue that impacts the acceptance of e-marketing. An e-platform can allow anyone to practice as a physician and this can be disastrous for the society. The privacy policies are yet to be addressed by the hospitals. Another critical issue is the concept of social media marketing. While it can help the hospitals to recognize consumer demands and needs it can also adversely impact hospital reputation. Since there is no control over the data posted and stored on the social media platforms, this could impact the reputation of the hospitals. The study concludes

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Impact Of Globalisation Sociology Essay

The Impact Of Globalisation Sociology Essay Globalisation is a force to be reckoned with. The Pandora box has been opened, its influence is rapidly spreading across the globe and there is no turning back. This paper will evaluate the inferred consequences of globalisation on children and families in the state of poverty and in affluence. realisation of adaptations for the sake of survival, relevance and otherwise vested interests from external forces. Economic globalisation actively pursued by national and international policy makers through the deregulation of the domestic economy and external transactions and on the rapid technological advances of the last two decades. Includes Internationalisation of behaviours, entertainment, consumption patterns, migration, tourist flows. other aspects are more complex to assess than the effects of economic-technological globalisation discussed in this paper -Globalisation results in economic growth and helps reduce some kinds of poverty though evidence shows that globalisation does not necessary result in sustainable growth. Outline/Methodology Implications: Political, economic, social, emotional, cultural, children and family well-being in developing, transitional n developed countries Discussion Political rapid changes brought about by globalisation, necessary adoption n adaptions to changes for survival, relevance, other vested interest by state or external influences Economic ref harnessing globalisation- negligence of poor and marginal populations: economic ills of capitalism n consumerism? Disparity in distribution of resources n gains reshuffling of economic structures n behaviours resulting in successes some n further challenges for others Affects childrens well being in many various ways geographical mobility of workforce/ immigrants economic reasons such as pressure of labour supply, income disparities, -distribution issue- inequality in wealth distributionhigh inequality impedes growth in poor countries by lowering investment in human n physical capital n generating more crimes n social unrests (save the children) political asylum, refugees, displacement Proponents to eradicate poverty n reduce injustice however . social ills social injustice Mass immigration and displacement Globally, there is an increase in economic migration driven by income disparities e.g. exploitation, demand for labour supply and the advancement of information technologies. The swell in migratory flows could be attributed, among others, to rising disparity in opportunities and income available to people in their home countries vis-a-vis countries they migrate to. In the 1970s, about 640,000 Mexicans migrated to the US legally. By 2000, 7.8 Mexicans are living in the US, legally or otherwise. Mass migration leads to growing urbanisation. The percentage of the worlds population living in cities rose from 29% to 47% (to about 2.8billion) in the last 50 years. Most of the growth took place in the developing world the number of urban residents jumped from 17% in 1950 to 40% or 1.9billion people in 2000. This is expected to double in the next 30 years. Increased Migration and Displacement An estimated 50 to 200 million people in the world could be displaced by the next 40 to 50 years due to climate change (63). Both gradual and extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels are the main drivers of such increased migrations. While most will move within their own countries, many will also cross international borders (64). A research by Save the Children exploring the movement of children within and between countries found that children tend to move with their parents (66). Nevertheless, many children do move independently due to various reasons. Some do so to find work to support their families. Others could be forcibly separated from their families due to uncontrollable circumstances eg. war and natural disasters. Yet many chose this path to escape from poverty, exploitation, abuse, calamities or even to pursue better educational opportunities. Moving alone to a foreign or unfamiliar location can pose grave dangers for children. Those without relevant identification papers, for example, are often denied basic services such as healthcare, education and social welfare (67). Such children also face the risk of exploitation and abuse. In 2008, armed conflicts and natural disasters accounted for the displacement of 63 million people. The biggest sufferers were usually children and women. Children displaced under such circumstances are housed in temporary shelters and resettlement camps. They are exposed to diseases associated with overcrowding, chief among them are pneumonia (biggest global killer for children under fire), measles, malaria and diarrhoea. These disease outbreaks result in dire consequences as children are most vulnerable due to lack of proper healthcare and sanitation. Malnutrition tend to be higher for children residing in such refugee camps due to limited food supply (68). Besides facing separation from their families, displaced children and their parents often lose access to essential health services. Climate-induced migration is likely to increase in future. Governments should come together and formulate national and international policies, legislation and services to protect migrant children and their families. Large scale humanitarian protection and help are needed to support them. With the influx of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to any given country threatens the local infrastructures on food, clean water and shelter. With the relentless appetite of capitalism and growing urbanisation in many countries, consumerism drives the market forces threatens the sustainable environment. As the world becomes increasingly borderless, mass migration further extends the perimeters of diversity in multicultural societies and creates disequilibrium (positive or negative) to homogenous societies. Impact of urbanisation Urbanisation and Overcrowding Over half of the worlds population now live in cities. It is estimated that some 900 million urban-dwellers in low and middle income countries are living in poverty; 800 million people lack access to decent sanitation, and about 650 million people do not have water access(70). Slums and overcrowding plague many cities today. Poorly constructed homes and densely populated areas pose greater risks of fires, disease outbreaks and disasters. Many children from poor homes living in such cities are in danger due to poor sanitation, contaminated water and hazardous waste (71). In an era of global warming, a 1 degree rise in temperature could mean global children deaths of more than 20,000 a year due to air pollution. In developing and poor countries, about one-third of children are stunted and children under 5 have a mortality rate 5-20 times higher than rich countries with adequate access to healthcare and nutrition(73). Today, about 3.3 billion people (50% of the worlds population compared to 15% in 1990) live in urban areas. This is expected to increase to 5.3 billion people come 2050(74). Migrants from the rural areas move to the cities in search of better lives, higher wages and economic stability. Urbanisation is perceived to offer more stability from climate change for people who come from agricultural and natural resource-based livelihoods. Taxing on local infrastructures, for example water and food, to support the influx of Social impact on family life Social Globalisation marks the end of the family as we have known it until now, but it is not the disappearance of the family but its profound diversification (Castells, 1997:139;222). The worldwide trend in increasing divorce rates, many involving couples with young children, is pushing the likelihood of single parenthood as an alternative viable lifestyle. There is an upward trend of single-parent households with dependent children (usually headed by a woman) in developed and developing countries. In Brazil, the percentage of such households rose from 14% in 1980 to 20% in1989 and the trend is increasing. (Castells, 1997:147-52). Such a trend suggests that as more women join the workforce, the traditional role of caring for the family diminishes. This affects the proper upbringing of children with the tendency to push such responsibility to the educational institutions, provided they are available and/or affordable. Inequality and Social Injustice Income Inequality The richest 5% people in the world receive 114 times the income of the poorest 5% population. The top 25 richest Americans earn as much as 2 billion of the worlds poorest. The income gap between the rich and the middle-class/poor continues to widen in the developing and developed economies. This globalisation trend is altering the structures of families, economies and society the constant struggle for the have-nots to aspire to be among the elite haves would prove costly for families and their children. If sharp increases in inequality persist, they may have dire effects on human development, and social stability (including violence and crime (UNDP, 2003a:39). The need for any protectionist policies in any given society speaks of social injustice. It is recommended that government under the UNCRC agreement uphold the rights of children regardless of their nationality status. Children should be rendered political immunity regardless of parents nationality status as asylum seekers, refugees, or stateless persons. -social unrest, An example is the area of global crime rates. Globalisation is creating a ballooning underclass that is struggling due to growing income gaps and lack of job opportunities. This creates the ideal environment for criminal syndicates who are spreading cancerous crimes that exploit and victimise women and children e.g. drug trafficking, human trafficking, illegal trade of diamonds from African countries. In the 1990s, trading of illegal drugs accounted for $400 billion about 8% of world trade. Human trafficking (especially women and children) reached 4 million. More than half a million were for the sex industry in the western countries (George and Wilding, 2002:55). Gender inequality is prevalent in most patriarchal societies. If one gender is considered more economically and socially viable then another, Additional Burden on Women Additional Burdens for Women -In developing countries, women bear the responsibilities of feeding and caring their children, in addition to assisting in food production (farming and/or household) or buying food from local markets. Domestic responsibilities also weigh in, such as collecting fuel and water, besides caring for the aged at home. Education has been identified as vital for women. It empowers them with the essential knowledge for maternal, newborn and child survival, and in particular, teaching their children on how to adapt to climate change. It means life and death. Children of mothers with no education are more than twice as likely to die or be malnourished than children of mothers with at least secondary education (76). But in a scenario of natural disaster or armed conflict, girls are first to be pulled out of school to bring in more income or do housework. Women must be consulted and involved in strategies to adapt to climate changes. They know best on how to make necessary communal changes and protect children from natural disasters. Unless women are given leadership roles, involved in decision-making and implementation, any effort in managing climate change would be futile. roles of parents, women, family structure, child rearing practices -changes in family structure, more demand for women in the workforce, demand for early childhood services, switching roles mothers as breadwinners and fathers becoming homemakers or househusbands Cultural belief system, Individualistic or collective societal perspective. Metropolitan /cosmopolitan countries outcomes of assimilation or adaptation of cross cultural interactions. Strive to achieve an equilibrium. culture is transient. Evolution of cultures or conversions of religion brought about by conquest, coercion,n adaptations or adoptions thought exchanges and interactions. Evolution in cultural beliefs and practices has direct impact on children n families, causes transitional disequilibrium from set beliefs to new influences. adjustments to new cultural framework creates perplexity that affects family structure n function thereby affecting childrens sense if identity n belonging. While most parts of the world have been exposed to Western influences, the existence of indigenous cultures has not been threatened. Global Warming Greenhouse gasses, emitted by industrialised countries due to higher demand for goods and services emphatically point to the fact that most of the global warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities (UNEP, 2002:3). Massive use of fuel, coal, gas flaring, cement production, plastic, power etc lead to carbon dioxide emissions. The Greenhouse effects -floods, drought, typhoons, desertification, deforestation, rising water levels are now experienced by countries throughout the world. Water supply, food crops, diseases are creating havoc costing lives, reducing food supply, migrations, children and their families suffer. Climate change has been identified as the biggest global health threat to children in the 21st century. The sum effects of climate change put children at greatest risk from malnutrition, disease, water scarcity and natural disasters resulting in the disintegration of healthcare services and infrastructure. Children under 5 years are most vulnerable to its consequences (1). In poor and developing countries, diseases and conditions including diarrhoea, malaria, measles, pneumonia and malnutrition contribute to the high number of deaths of children. About one-third of the global childhood disease problems are linked to changeable factors in food, soil, water and air. With climate change, these problems will worsen eg. access to clean water becomes more difficult making children more susceptible to diarrhoea, a major killer for young children. Natural disasters such as drought, floods and typhoons brought about from changes in the climate add to the woes of children. Besides diseases, children are denied proper healthcare services. Food shortages worsen the childrens plight, adding problems of under-nutrition and starvation. The impact made by climate change on food security, healthcare, clean water supply and livelihoods has a profound influence on urbanisation, migration, poverty and armed conflict. These in turn affect the lives of children and their survival. Poor families, many whom are already struggling, could be pushed into the deeper end of their troubles bringing about long term consequences on their childrens survival. For example, children from the poorest 20% of households in many developing countries have up to 5 times the mortality rate of children from the richest 20% households (12). Beyond these, there are other secondary and structural causes of child deaths. Examples include poor healthcare facilities, inadequate water supply and sanitation, poverty, maternal education and inequality. Climate change exacerbates these conditions by loading more burdens on fragile states who are already struggling with providing children with the most basic needs. How well communities or states adapt and cope with climate change and its impact on existing vulnerabilities will determine a childs survival chances. Millions of children in these areas suffer from malnutrition and babies are born malnourished and/or with anomalies. Childhood at Risk AIDS today is a worldwide problem and globalisation has played no small part in the spread of this disease. UNAIDS estimates that 13.2 million of children in the world aged 15 and below have lost their parents and 90% of them live in the Sub-Saharan Africa. Numbers are growing in central Asia and Eastern Europe. Young people are at the core of the AIDS epidemic, In many places this is actually an epidemic among teenagers (UNAIDS Director Dr Peter Plot quoted in Irish Times, 24 Feb 2004). AIDS through heterosexual transmission is prevalent in Africa. Young girls are seen as men as clean: and they are most at risk. In many parts of the world ie Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia, Caribbean countries, 20-48% of girls between 10-15 years were forced to have their first sexual encounter. Child Soldiers According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW), an estimated 300,000 young children serve in paramilitary or armed groups in more than 30 conflict regions. Some of the countries with such child soldiers include Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Iran and Papua New Guinea. Abduction of children from their homes is a commonly used accompanied by death threats to enforce joining the military force. These children are forced to witness and participate in atrocities eg beheading, rape, amputations, burning people alive. Girls are raped and sexually abused, some given to commanders as wives. Cultural Globalisation Majority of women in developing countries perform housework, work in agriculture or work in the informal sector. The patriarchal society in these countries demand that household chores are the mainstay of females while work, whether formal or informal, is a mere extension of their duties. Under such circumstances, women choose work in an informal sector to care for their children and earn additional income for basic necessities, usually because their husbands dont bring home enough money. They cannot seek formal employment due to their family responsibilities. Employment in the informal sector is still gender biased men are still in supervisory or management positions with higher wages, while women are simply subcontract workers. Assembly work and production factories are filled with women since unemployedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦men refused to participate in their wives informal work because they felt they could be called away at any time for a waged job (Ward 1990). Such a double standard, ironically, leads to survival for females in developing countries they can maintain their domestic roles and yet not rely solely on their husbands. Another issue confronting women and their children in the developing countries is that unpaid domestic tasks are private rather than social and because they are both unpaid and private, there is no social system of incentives, of rewards and penalties, to encourage change (Elson 1992). Wives lack access to the public sector where job opportunities exist. Such a vulnerability render women helpless but to depend on their husbands for finances and even endure abuse. Despite the discrimination, women have shown resilience in taking on the responsibilities of caring for their children when their husbands leave. They take on informal sector jobs and are still able to fulfil their domestic needs. Governments in developing countries are not doing enough or even denying their women opportunities to effectuate their strengths to the fullest potential. Globalisation today has not changed that. But continued globalisation may mean in time to come, governments in developing countries cannot ignore the potential to harness the talents and strengths of the female workforce.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Vinland Map :: History Papers

The Vinland Map is believed to predate Christopher Columbus’ expedition by almost 50 years as it has realistic cartography of the island of Vinland, thought to be a part of Canada or even Northeastern America. The map could potentially provide evidence that the Norse explorers were the first Europeans to visit America and map it. However, there is doubt surrounding the origins and age of the map. These issues have divided scientists into two groups devoted to proving the authenticity or lack thereof of the map. Recent research has used several chemical analyses which have examined specifically the paper and the ink present on the map. The most recent methods used to test the map have been carbon dating and Raman spectroscopy. It is thought that the map was written on paper which has origins in pre-Columbus days. However, several analyses of the ink have revealed the presence of anatase, a form of TiO 2, which was not developed until the first part of the 20 th Century. This c learly would contradict the evidence that the paper is authentic. However, these two claims do not necessarily contradict one another. A recent theory is that the parchment was recovered from an earlier work and then a forger used modern ink to draw a fake map. Carbon-14 dating has put the origins of the parchment to the mid 1400’s. It is very hard to come to a definitive conclusion from the available evidence as both sides offer strong arguments. In my own opinion, the map is more likely authentic than a forgery. However, the controversy surrounding the map has not yet been settled. The Vinland Map has been at the center of controversy ever since it appeared around 1957. It depicts several islands in the Atlantic Ocean, but more importantly, an island called Vinland. This island is believed to be part of Canada or even Northeastern America. If the map is truly genuine, then it pre-dates Columbus’ discovery of America by more than 50 years (Gorman, 2002). However, there has been constant doubt surrounding its origins and authenticity. These issues have divided scientists into two camps which seem to ride circles around one another. As soon as new evidence arises, someone disputes it with counterarguments that are just as strong. The controversy has focused most recently on two issues: the ink used to draw the map, and the parchment that it is drawn upon.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Comparison of Homelessness in the U.S and South Africa Essay

The term homelessness has a very wide scope and many different agencies and governments attempt to define it differently. The homeless committee of the city of Montreal adopted some definition of the homeless. Casavant (1999) further translates the definition as â€Å"a person with no fixed address, stable, safe and healthy housing for the next 60 days, an extremely low income, adversely discriminated against in access to services, with problems of mental health, alcohol and drug abuse or social disorganization, and not a member of any stable group,† (para 9). Comparison of homelessness in the U. S and South Africa Having established a fairly clear definition of the homeless, it is paramount therefore that the three types of homelessness be pointed out. First are the chronically homeless whose case is more severe than the rest and they face other problems like drug abuse or mental illness. The other groups are known as the cyclically homeless who have forfeited their homes due to some situation arising from for example a prison term or released unemployed detainees. The last category are referred to as the temporarily homeless, who lose their dwellings for a very short period of time due to circumstances such as floods, drought and clashes displacement (Casavant , 1999) . The United States of America does face the homelessness issue like any other nation. Statistics on the number of homeless people in the United States of America is never fixed and is ever fluctuating because of the cyclical, nomadic and temporary nature. From recent studies done, the numbers do range between 650,000 to 2. million people depending on factors that have been analyzed above (McCarty, 2005). The 2004 U. S conference of Mayors study gives the following information regarding the numbers and ethnicities involved. According to the survey that was carried out in all the cities, it was established that the number of homeless people in the United States gradually increased at a rate of 7% per annum in numbers. Of the entire population 41%, were men. 40% of the population was composed of families while only a meager 14% were women. The youth comprised of only 5% of the population. By ethnicities, the African American population took the big bulk of people with approximately 49% composition. 35% were whites, 13% Hispanics, 2% Native Americans and 1% Asian. According to the survey, also the veterans or old people accounted for 10% of the population (McCarty, 2005). South Africa on the other hand gives a different picture as compared with the United States. The biggest cause of homelessness in South Africa was the adverse effects that were brought along the apartheid era. The number of people that were living in shacks was put to be between 5 million and 7. 7 million (Nduru, 2010). South Africa is a multi racial nation with both the black community and the white community coexisting together. The black community comprising of ethnicities such as Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele and others comprise about 80% of the population while the whites and red heads comprise around 19% of the population according to the Africa community survey of 2007. It has been established that most of the population living in shanty towns is the black community. In fact, around 80% of South Africa’s population lives below the poverty line and a very huge gap do exist between the rich and the poor (Sherwood , 2003). Conclusion We have observed that the causes and the number of people being affected by homelessness do differ in great detail between the two countries. The United States though a very big country with a huge population accounts for lesser number of people without adequate shelter. Also, the United States’ distribution of homeless people across the ethnicities is a lot fairer than South Africa’s where the biggest of proportions lies among the black community.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Troop and Troupe - Commonly Confused Words

Troop and Troupe - Commonly Confused Words The words troop and troupe  are  homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings.As a noun, troop  refers to a group of soldiers or a collection of people or things. As a verb, troop means to move or spend time together. The noun troupe refers specifically to a group of theatrical  performers. The difference between trooper and trouper is discussed in the usage notes below. Examples My sister, who has been in the Girl Scouts for two years, wanted to earn enough money to send her entire troop to summer camp.A live jazz band will open for an international troupe of dancers, and clowns on stilts will sell hot dogs to customers in balcony seats.An encamped Boy Scout troop wanted to watch and hear a troupe perform at a nearby military base. When informed that the show was for the troops only, the boys had to entertain themselves by working on their merit badges.(Robert Oliver Shipman, A Pun My Word: A Humorously Enlightened Path to English Usage. Rowman Littlefield, 1991) Usage Notes troop or troupe, trooper or trouperThe older English spelling troop (used in the singular) refers to certain kinds of military unit, in artillery, armored formation, and cavalry. In the scouting movement, a troop is a group of three or more patrols. The plural troops is military usage for the whole body of soldiers, rather than units within it. The French spelling troupe was reborrowed in C19 to refer to a group of actors or entertainers, and is readily modified as in dance troupe, Moscow circus troupe, troupe of traveling players.The distinctions between troupe and troop carry over to trouper and trooper. Trouper refers to a member of an entertainment group, and trooper (in the UK) to a soldier associated with an armored unit or cavalry, and, in the US, a member of a state police force.(Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage. Cambridge University Press, 2004)trooper, trouperAn old trooper is an old cavalry soldier (supposedly good at swearing), old private soldier in a tan k regiment, or old mounted policeman. An old trouper is an old member of a theatrical company, or perhaps a good sort.(The Economist Style Guide. Profile Books, 2005) Practice Exercises (a) The magician and his _____ of jugglers packed the Chinese theater with thousands of people.(b) A gorilla will beat his chest, break branches, flash his teeth, and chargeall in the interest of protecting his _____. Answers to Practice Exercises (a) The magician and his  troupe  of jugglers packed the Chinese theater with thousands of people.(b) A gorilla will beat his chest, break branches, flash his teeth, and chargeall in the interest of protecting his  troop.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Effects of Parenting Styles on Children Essay Example

The Effects of Parenting Styles on Children Essay Example The Effects of Parenting Styles on Children Essay The Effects of Parenting Styles on Children Essay There are many ideas and opinions on how to raise children and how to be a â€Å"good parent. † Often, parents get advice on how to parent from their own parents, from their close friends, and even experts. There are three main types of parenting styles: authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritative parenting. Authoritative parenting is a parenting style characterized by strict rules, harsh punishments and little warmth. Permissive parenting is characterized by parents who are responsive to their children, but lack rules and discipline. Authoritative parenting is characterized by parents who hold high expectations and set clear guidelines, but are responsive and loving to their children. Parenting styles determine the behaviour of children. The most effective parenting style, the authoritative style, can help lead to positive outcomes for children. It is significant to know what impact each parenting style has on a childs behaviour due to certain parenting styles having a negative effect, and certain styles having positive and healthy effects on a childs behaviour. A national longitudinal survey was conducted by Social Development Canada and Statistics Canada that observed over 4,100 children over a eight year period. The results supported many of research psychologist, Diana Baumrinds, findings. This included, that an authoritarian parenting style lead to children who are obedient, competent, good at following rules; but they lack in self-esteem, social skills and happiness, and were more likely to be aggressive. An authoritative parenting style, results in children that are balanced, competent, successful, and happy. Lastly, a permissive parenting style resulted in children having poor academic records and they were more likely to clash with authorities. Diana Baumrind believes that: While it is unreasonable to expect any parent capable of committing to one style and never deviating from it, having an end result in mind – what kind of person you want your child to become and what type of relationship you want to have with them – can provide the extra motivation and reasoning behind your choice of parenting style and disciplinary strategies. (Smith, 2011, www. suite101. om) This is a very good suggestion for parents because if one truly looks into how they want their child to turn out, they will probably want them to be happy, responsible, competent, social, successful, and balanced, and they will realize that there is a way to achieve that. This would be achievable by them being a role model for their children, showing them a prime example of who they should look up to. An authorita tive parenting style is a balance of setting rules, giving love, but at the same time letting children know that the parent is in charge. An article about how parenting styles impact children states: Balanced (Authoritative) parents: Guide their children’s activities explaining why rules are important Consider their child’s point of view when they refuse to behave as requested. In this way, the parent is accepting of their child’s individuality while setting standards for future behaviour Keep communication open and clear Enforce consistent consequences (Bornstein, 2007, www. ealthunit. com) This is a true method of balanced parenting, according to Rick Trinkner, a doctoral candidate at University of new Hampshire, he suggests, â€Å"Our data offers further evidence that the authoritative parenting style is an effective way for parents to successfully socialize their children and that its influence works largely through its effect on youth perceptions of parental legitimacy† (Wyman, 2012, www. howtolearn. com). The references above, show that the authoritative parenting style is the best way to raise a child. A disadvantage when researching the effect that parenting styles have on child behaviour is that some parents may deny that the result of their childs behaviour is due to their parenting style. It could also offend some parents if it were said, for example, that their child is unhappy and aggressive because of their authoritarian parenting style. Although surveys and observations have been done on this subject, and that there is research to prove that parenting styles do have an effect on a childs behaviour, everyone always has their own opinions, and may not agree with this research. References Bornstein L, Bornstein MH. (2007). Parenting styles and child social development. In Tremblay RE, Barr RG, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development. Smith, L. (2011). Parenting Styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative and Permissive. In Parenting Methods [online. ] Retrieved Monday, October 15th, 2012, from http://suite101. com/article/parenting-styles-authoritarian-authoritative-and-permissive-a361151. Wyman, P. (2012). How Your Parenting Style Affects Your Child’s Behaviour. In Articles [online. ] Retrieved Monday, October 15th, 2012, from howtolearn. com/2012/02/how-your-parenting-style-affects-your-childs-behavior.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project 3 - Essay Example Four ideal qualities of a good citizen that are exhibited by Jazz musicians include self-sacrifice, public spirit, sincere performance of duties and self-control and self-confidence (Heater 198). Most of the jazz artists exhibit these qualities in their own unique way. Self-sacrifice in reference to a good citizen is one who gives up self-interest to the interest of the community. The spirit of service and devotion are upheld by the individual. Such qualities are portrayed by Jazz artists in their work and performances. The desire of every Jazz artist is to keep all Americans entertained without considering their race or color. Benny Goodman was the first white bandleader to hire a black musician into his ensemble. He used his fame in the Jazz music to spread black music. He sacrificed his fame among the white listeners and that of his band all for the purpose of promoting the blacks and black music. The quality of public spirit states that a good citizen shows willingness and readin ess to make it a living interest in all the public affairs. Such a citizen is ready to fight for the rights if other people while taking part in all public activities. Billie Holiday who was a jazz artist was vocal in fighting for the rights of the black people, especially with her song â€Å"Strange Fruit† that was inspired by the lynching of the two blacks, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith. The artist performed the song every night amid emotions, and this made the civil rights movements to adopt it as their anthem (Peretti 89). Sincerity in the performance of duties means that a citizen performs his/ her duties with sincerity and faithfulness. Such a citizen willingly cooperates with the state officials in the discharge of their duties and remits their taxes just as the law requires them. Jazz artists and musicians perform their duties with devotion and sincerity. Among the most celebrated musicians of jazz and who was also a pioneer of jazz was Louis Armstrong born in 1901. At the age of 13 he started playing the cornet. All through his career life, he dedicatedly played jazz music with the purpose of entertaining the American population. Indiscriminately he played in all concert whether made of white people, black, Asians or Muslims. Self-control and self-confidence requires a good citizen to be sober in temperament and exhibit a lot of self-control in all public dealings. A self-controlled citizen possesses a disciplined character and does not indulge in vicious habits. Duke Ellington who was a master composer of jazz showed his self-confidence and self-control qualities of good citizenship during his entire career life of jazz. At the age of seven, he was confident that he would be a great keyboard player as well as founding the â€Å"swing† era of jazz. He remained a self-controlled person even after the great success that he had in his career. 2. My view of these qualities including additional measures proposed for moving present-day America toward a thriving multi-cultural society A lot of efforts have been directed towards creating a thriving multi-cultural society in the present day America. Along the history of racial oppression among people in the American population, any method available that could completely erase or wipe out the culture of racism in the American population has been embraced. Promoting quality citizenship among the American po

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comprehensive Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comprehensive Discussions - Essay Example Every year the US Supreme Court takes up 100 to 150 cases for argument. Four justices must give their consent for hearing the case. The US Supreme Court is primarily an appellate court having jurisdiction over ambassadors as well as two or more states (Understanding Federal and State Courts). The Supreme Court has a chief justice as well as associate justices whose numbers are fixed by the American congress. The present number of associate justices is presently eight. The president of the US has the power to nominate the justices and their appointments are sanctioned according to the advices and consent of the senate. Article III, Â §1, of the Constitution further provides that the Judges of both Supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and Shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. Article III, Â §1 of the constitution provides that the legal power of the United states shall be vested in only one supreme court as well as in such inferior courts as the congress may from time to time proclaim and institutes. Article. III, Â §2 states that the legal power shall be extended to all cases under the constitution to the US supreme court. It includes cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers, consuls, cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdictions, cases between two or more states, cases involving state and citizens of another state and of the same state, foreign states etc. In cases involving ambassadors and other public ministers, consuls, states, the US Supreme Court has the ultimate jurisdiction. In other cases the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction. The appellate jurisdiction has been given to the US Supreme Court by various statutes in the constitution. The basic statute which defines the judicial power is found in 28 U. S. C. Â §1251 et seq. The US c ongress from time to time gives powers to the US supreme court to prescribe

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Film Theory of Bazin and Eisenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Film Theory of Bazin and Eisenstein - Essay Example All the arts are based on the presence of man. Only photography derives an advantage from his absence. Photography affects us like a phenomenon in nature, like a flower or a snowflake whose vegetable or earthly origins are an inseparable part of their beauty" Bazin (1967, p.3). Both appreciated the cinema and the inherent art in it; but their theories were very different from one another. At times, there is clear conflict with the other theory and the perspectives are very different. Eisenstein had the added distinction of being an extremely well-known director of many successful movies. Basin, in his short life, did not have any such practical involvement with the cinema, but his theories of the cinematic world stand apart above others even to this day. Andre Bazin, known as the best film authority the world has ever produced, was a film theorist, critic, and a humanist philosopher and has written many articles on film philosophy. His articles are translated into many languages, especially English. Basin is considered to be the sage of film philosophy and he has never been dethroned ever since he became popular, even though he was criticized for his theories by other film critics. He called cinema as 'an idealistic phenomenon'. He agrees that it is technical, but this factor is of secondary importance. Actually he agrees upon it after a pause, as an afterthought. His concentration on the technical side of the cinema is consequential and not primary. He always said that the mechanical mediation of the camera makes the cinema absolutely realistic. He placed cinema above the arts like painting, because he said, if the brush is pitted against the camera, camera makes a better job in duplicating reality than the brush, because camera is driven by technology, whereas the brush depends upon the eye and perspective of the artist, which could be entirely different from reality. No two people can have the same artistic eye sight. At the same time, cinema is capable of recording things and scenes better than a painting. While he does not deny the human intervention in the form of the person who wields the camera, he suggests that this should be kept to the minimum. "Although the potential for human intervention is always present, even granting the mechanical intervention, Bazin believes that the filmmaker owes it to the complexity of reality to refrain from false subjective manipulation and overwrought formalist mediation," http://www.horschamp.qc.ca/new_offscreen/bazin_intro.html To him cinema is a tool that fulfils the psychological needs of the society. He considered it as one of the ultimate art forms. He was positive that cinema fulfils the artistic and ethical obsession of people, which is a compelling trait that has an urge to be fulfilled. "For Bazin the situation was clear: either a filmmaker utilizes empirical reality for his personal ends or else he explores empirical reality for its own sake. In the former case the filmmaker is making of empirical reality a series of signs which point to or create an aesthetic or rhetorical truth, perhaps lofty and noble, perhaps prosaic and debased. In the latter case, however, the filmmaker brings us closer to the events filmed by seeking the significance of a scene somewhere within the unadorned tracings it left on the celluloid" Andrew (1976, 145). Basin thought that human beings have a weakness for creative psychology and they like to visualise illusions. These illusions become ardent desires and demand to be fulfilled and under such circumstances, creative and innovative art forms materialise. "It is essential to emphasize the skeptical aspect of Bazin's affirmations about psychology, his manifest awareness of human vulnerability to illusion and ideology. For Bazin,