Monday, September 30, 2019

Organic Food Market Ghana Essay

Main international trade partners| South Africa, Netherlands, India, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Switzerland, United States, France, Nigeria, Burkina, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Germany and etc. | Macro-economic opportunities and risks The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business rankings placed Ghana at 63 place among 183 countries in 2012 (1 = best ranking), just behind Poland (62) and ahead of the Czech Republic (64). Ghana’s performance is defined as especially poor in â€Å"obtaining construction permits† and â€Å"resolving insolvency†. Nevertheless, Ghana is among the top five countries in sub- Saharan Africa. Economic risks in Ghana include a relatively high inflation rate of 10. 4% estimated in 2013. Consistently high unemployment over the years is another negative factor keeping the country in poverty. About 28. 5% of the total population is living below the poverty line. Other urgent challenges in Ghana are the inadequacies in education and health care that limit social development in the country. It also must address crime. Underdeveloped infrastructure, poor management of natural and human resources, and lack of a fully conducive and cordial business environment in the country also require public sector attention. According to the knowledge portal Global EDGE, Ghana’s strategic goals focus on future economic growth, improving quality of life by boosting employment and decreasing poverty, increased private investment and overall social and rural development. With such plans, international companies can expect incentives for initiating business in Ghana. Low corporate taxes, low equity requirements, custom duty exemptions forplants, machinery, equipment and parts, and relief from double taxation are some of the incentives and guarantees that the government presently offers to encourage future foreign investment. Coca-Cola Co. and Heinz have already been operating successfully in Ghana while companies like Caterpillar, Unilever, IBM, AT&T, to name a few, are undertaking new investments. Companies are encouraged to establish themselves and operate in the country’s many potentially lucrative markets including hydro-power projects, pharmaceuticals and information technology. Subsequently, as African countries consider fully implementing the African Economic Community (AEC) established in 1991, Ghana’s trading access to other African nations could increase significantly in the coming years. Ghana is a member of the World Trade Organization and has quota-free access to United States and European Union markets. The country has export free zones where goods can be traded without customs duties. The government is putting forth efforts to improve infrastructure to ensure hassle-free movement of goods and produce. While Ghana faces difficulties, all these factors make Ghana a promising market for foreign businesses. Organic food market data General Market size | n. a. | Market growth rate | n. a. | Domestic production | n. a. Exports (US$, 2006)| $75. 64 million| Imports | n. a. | Shares/sizes of market segments| Fresh fruits, vegetables, palm oil, cocoa, bananas, cashews, culinary herbs, cereals, cotton, shea butter and etc. | Number of producers, names of big producers, important brands| Benrod Group (producer and exporter), Ibrahim Jalilu Adventure (producer of spices), Botim Farms (group of cashew farmers), Joansspiceworld (producer of spices), Mercydan (black soap, red palm oil, coconut oil), Eagle Gold Company (gold, diamond), Best Organic Fodd Venture (organic food) and etc. Smallholder farms dominate the agricultural sector, accounting for about 80 percent of total production. (organic agriculture in general is well suited to small-scale farmers because usually small-scale farmers do not have much cash to purchase external inputs, chemical inputs, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers)| Typical distribution channels| The Ghana Organic Agriculture Network, Afrikeco Organic Products Ltd, Andea-African Network for Development of Ecological Agriculture, Armajaro Ghana Limited, Black Volta Organic Society, Ebenut, Ecasard-Ecumenical Ass. For Sustainable Agr. And Rur. , Eloc Farms Limited, Ghana Bio Network, Ghana Export Promotion Council, Ideal Providence Farms Accra, Integrated Tamale Fruit Company, Natures Best Fruit Ltd. , Quin Organics, Tracs Farms Ltd. , TOFA (Traditional Organic Farmers Association), Wad African Foods Ltd, Yayra Glover Limited| Characteristics of the organic food market Supply: Mainly from the domestic market Production: Fresh fruits (mainly pineapple, bananas, watermelon), vegetables, palm oil, cocoa, cashews, culinary herbs, cereals, cotton, shea butter and etc. Distribution: Just over 28% of the organic producers in Ghana export their production and the remaining 72% do not export their production, but possibly sell it domestically. With regards to exports, virtually all organic products (85%) are exported to Europe. The data is taken from a survey16 made in 2009 among 688 producers, marketers and consumers. Consumption: Worldwide sales of organic chocolate produced in Ghana increased to $304 million in 2005 from $171 million in 2002. However, the total market share of organic cocoa accounted for less than 0. 5% of total cocoa production in the same period, possibly because conventional cocoa yields more and is more profitable than organic cocoa. When a conventional producer converts to organic production, there is an immediate yield loss. Organic cocoa production has an estimated 30% lower yield than inorganic production. Additionally, a producer must wait three years for the organic certification that will allow him or her to be compensated with an organic price premium. Therefore a sufficient and stable organic price premium is needed. The current premium price of organic cocoa is far below the estimated premium needed to entice producers to switch to organic production. Information on yield loss and price premium trade-off is very important to cocoa producers to determine whether organic production is sufficiently profitable to be adopted. For manufacturers, the information indicates the price premium necessary to secure a reliable supply of organic cocoa. Opportunities and risks in the organic food market for DEG’s clients There are not many opportunities for import of organic food, because the organic market in Ghana is still relatively undeveloped. However, there are opportunities for export of organic agriculture, because about 19,132 hectares of land are under organic cultivation, which accounts for 0. 13 % of the total agricultural area in Ghana (IFOAM & FiBL 2006). The risks are definitely big. Additional information Ghana has had little exposure to the global economic recession and will continue on its growth path. It is experiencing significant growth in 2011 and 2012 due to the start of oil production. Macroeconomic stability and ongoing reforms have contributed to economic expansion, which is helping the country to raise incomes and reduce poverty. There has been limited exposure to the global financial crisis, as banks rely on domestic funding. Case examples n. a. [ 1 ]. http://www. ghanaembassy. org/index. php? page=population [ 2 ]. http://www. tradingeconomics. com/ghana/gdp [ 3 ]. http://www. tradingeconomics. com/ghana/gdp-growth [ 4 ]. http://www. indexmundi. com/ghana/gdp_per_capita_%28ppp%29. html [ 5 ]. http://www. tradingeconomics. com/ghana/inflation-cpi [ 6 ]. http://www. tradingeconomics. com/ghana/unemployment-rate [ 7 ]. http://www. html [ 8 ]. http://ageconsearch. umn. edu/bitstream/95955/2/54. %20Market%20potential%20for%20organic%20fruit%20in%20Ghana. pdf [ 9 ]. http://countries. bridgat. com/Ghana_Trade_Partners. html#. UXRcpMo-mE0 [ 10 ]. http://www. globalatlanta. com/article/25667/ghana-overview-of-economic-risks-rewards/ [ 11 ]. http://ageconsearch. umn. edu/bitstream/95955/2/54. %20Market%20potential%20for%20organic%20fruit%20in%20Ghana. pdf [ 12 ]. http://www. intracen. org/exporters/organic-products/country-focus/Country-Profile-Ghana/ [ 13 ]. http://gh. tradeford. com/suppliers/organic-spices [ 14 ]. http://www. organic-bio. com/en/advanced-search2/? prgrp1=0&prgrp2=0&prgrp3=0&prgrp4=&name=&certification=0&city=&prodgrp1=0&country=63&prodgrp2=0 ®ion=0&prodgrp3=0&phone=&contact=&service=0&fair=0 [ 15 ]. http://www. intracen. org/exporters/organic-products/country-focus/Country-Profile- Ghana/ [ 16 ]. http://www. ifoam. org/about_ifoam/around_world/aosc_pages/pdf/Status-of-Organic-Agriculture-in-Ghana-Baseline-Survey-2009. pdf [ 17 ]. http://www3. ambest. com/ratings/cr/reports/Ghana. pdf.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hall Cases Essay

INTERNAL CONTROL CASES 1. Solution Smith’s Market a), b) See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) Access to the cash drawers by sales clerks requires more accountability. Each drawer is accessed by various clerks throughout the day and cash may be withdrawn by any of them. 2) The internal cash register tape should be used as a control to determine how much cash (including checks, and credit card vouchers) should be in the register drawer. 3) The shift supervisor does not sign for the specific amount of cash received or returned at the end of the day. He simply logs the drawers in and out. 4) The treasury clerk is unsupervised in the counting of cash. 5) The treasury clerk has asset custody and responsibility for recording sales and cash in the journal and General Ledger. d) 2.Solution to Spice is Right a), b), See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) No credit check 2) Inventory control function is performed by warehouse clerk. 3) Accounting department bills customer, updates the AR account, and records sales in the Sales Journal thus reducing the opportunity to detect discrepancies between total sales and AR postings. 4) Customer is billed before order is actually shipped 5) Remittance List should be prepared in the mailroom 6) No journal voucher prepared by cash receipts clerk. 7) Cash receipts clerk does not prepare a deposit slip. d) IT Controls for Basic Technology System e) Flowchart of revised system Student responses will vary for this part of the assignment. The following issues, however, need to be addressed. Upgrade stand-alone computers to a networked environment The internal control problems already covered that need to be corrected in the new system. 3. Solution to ABE Plumbing a), b) See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) No Credit check is performed. 2) The sales clerk closes the open sales order causing the sale to be recorded before the goods are actually shipped. 3) The warehouse clerk has asset custody and should not also update the inventory records. 4)The shipping clerk does not reconcile the stock release with the original order. This allows for the wrong items and or quantities to be shipped. 5) Customer is billed before the goods are shipped. Billing should be triggered by shipping notice. Instead, the customer invoice is printed from  the closed sales order, which was prepared before the goods were shipped. d) Flowchart of revised system Student responses will vary for this part of the assignment. The following issues, however, need to be addressed. The internal control problems already covered that need to be corrected in the new system. A system configuration similar to figure 4-18 would be appropriate. 4. Solution to Walker Books a), b), See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses Sales Processing: 1) The credit check is performed by the sales representative 2) The sales department should not be maintain the sales journal 3) The warehouse should not be updating inventory subsidiary ledger Cash Receipts 4) Mail room workers have access to both check and remittance advices. This situation require a reduced span of control and separate mail room procedures for customer payments vs routine mail. 5) The accounts receivable clerk has access to both the checks and the customer accounts d)IT Controls for Basic Technology System e) Revised System Walker Books System Student responses will vary for this part of the assignment but should address the internal control issues already covered. 5. Solution to AV Safety, Inc. a), b), d) See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) No credit check is performed 2) Sales journal is updated before the goods are shipped 3) Warehouse clerk has access to inventory and also update the inventory ledger 4) Mailroom clerk has access to both the remittance advice and the checks, no remittance list id prepared. 5) AR clerk has access to both the checks and the remittance advices d) IT Controls for a Basic Technology System e) Student responses will vary for this part of the assignment, but should address the internal control issues identified above. 6.Solution to Premier Sports Memorabilia a), b), d) See diagrams on the following pages. c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) Transaction is recorded in Sales Journal before goods are shipped. 2) Warehouse and Shipping functions are combined. This removes control over picking and shipping the wrong products. 3) Mail room clerk should prepare a remittance list to control remittance advices and checks 4) Although not stated in the case as aproblem, the auditor should evaluate network access controls (passwords, access privileges) to ensure a proper segregation of duties d) IT Controls e) Student solutions to this part of the case will vary. The solution should address the control issues identified in part C. 7. Solution to Bait ‘n Reel a, b, and e, see pages that follow c) Internal Control Weaknesses 1) The sales clerk performs the credit check this is a segregation of duties and transaction authorization problem. 2) Warehouse should not update the inventory and General ledger control accounts. 3) AR Clerk should not update the general ledger. 4) Billing and AR are combined. This structure will mask discrepancies between what was billed and what was recorded as a sale. 5) Supervision is needed in the mailroom because employees who open the mail have access to both cash and the remittance advice. 5) The cash receipts clerk has access to the assets (cash) and is responsible for updating the general ledger. 6) See 3 above. d)It Controls

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Software Engineering Tutorial Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Software Engineering Tutorial - Assignment Example Here, managing data being the prime task of Data-processing system, it is less applicable to the above system. All naturally happening systems are data processing systems, so that means what all we see is processed and interpreted by us so as to make it more relevant and useful. As far as our system is concerned, it is more of a spontaneous system rather than data related issues. The only information that needs to be kept is as the reference for examining values. Also, another useful thing is to make a log of all the different parameters such as pressure, temperature, etc, which can be really helpful in predicting the safe range for the above quantities. Generally, Data-processing system requires lot of storage capacity, but that's not the issue here. What is important here is the speed. Moving on to the next kind, Real-time Systems are the ones chasing the dead lines. They are called real time specifically because they work under a constrained environment, which deals with responsiv e attitude of the system. Real-time systems are designed for either real-time operating systems or other synchronous programming languages, which actually serve as a platform to build such immediate systems. These kinds of systems are really a challenge as they have a specific task to meet and if the software designed fails to deliver on time it's not of any worth. They are called real time specifically because they work under a constrained environment, which deals with responsive attitude of the system.  ... Our system deals with the naturally affecting factors such as pressure, friction, wear and tear and the work loss due to it. Such a system is definitely a real-time one. It has to take immediate care if any undue fluctuations are observed in the behavior of the system. For this to happen, a continuous monitoring is required. As described above, it is obviously a task to be performed in a constrained environment and it has a deadline and on missing the deadline the consequences can be expensive and destructive too. Moreover, when we are designing a system it should also take into account the pro and cons of it and then select the best combination for the product. This system would be an ideal one along with other ones working in the back up. (All the models of System Development Life Cycle) Decision Support System Description The next of the models is Decision support systems. This term is a very hazy one and this kind of system can be utilized variedly. Vaguely said, a Decision Support System is the one, which aids the process of decision-making. But, the developer, which actually designs it, only can define the clearer definition. Some of the explanations also suggest that Decision Support Systems or DSS can be used for the computer-based Information systems problems that are spontaneous or rather non-structured and deals with management issues. DSS can be of various characteristics based on the type of applications. A model-driven DSS would rather use the data provided by the users and it is an input to the system. Another of DSS is document-driven DSS which manages, gets back and manipulates unstructured information in different electronic formats. Finally

Friday, September 27, 2019

Population Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Population - Research Paper Example The interrelationship that exists between these parameters has been exploited as determinants of the constraints that are evidenced in the world’s geographical scope, and as platform to control and fight against world poverty. The essence of this paper is to examine the world population growth trends by analyzing the population characteristics in different countries in Africa, US, Europe, Asia, Middle East and South America. The Total Fertility Rate and Maternal Mortality rate The total fertility rate refers to the number of children per woman in a country and it provides the potential of the population of a given country to grow or increase. On the other hand, the maternal mortality rate refers to the number of women who die while in the process of delivering a child and is a unique characteristic that is variable in many countries depending on various factors such as health and nutrition. The charts below indicate the ranking of different countries both by total fertility ra te and maternal mortality rate. The statistics indicate that there is a great tie between the total fertility rate and the maternal mortality rate in the different sample countries. Countries with high total fertility rate have high maternal mortality rate and those with low fertility rate indicate low maternal mortality rate. ... Table 1: Ranking based on Total Fertility rate COUNTRY TFR 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Burundi 6.06 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethiopia 5.99 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Malawi 5.54 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tunisia 5.49 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Uganda 5.31 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   south Africa 5.31 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Egypt 5.26 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kenya 3.76 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nigeria 2.9 10.  Ã‚   S. America, Brazil 2.25 11.  Ã‚   Asia, Afghanistan 2.06 12.  Ã‚   Europe, Spain 2.01 13.  Ã‚   Middle East, Iran 1.86 14.  Ã‚   US 1.81 15.  Ã‚   Angola 1.48 Table 2: Ranking based on Maternal Mortality Rate The Infant Mortality Rate and the Life Expectancy at Birth The infant mortality rate refers to the number of children who die at the age of one year for every 1000 children who are born alive in a year (Sharma p. 32). On the other hand, the Life expectancy at birth refers to the age at which a child is expected to attain at if the mortality rate in a given environment is assumed to be constant throughout the life period. The infant mortality rate is used to measure the quality of maternal care and health during the early ages of child bearing while the life expectancy at birth is a measure of the optimal life span of individuals in a country. The charts below indicate the ranking of sample countries both by infant mortality rate and the life expectancy at birth. The population growth rate is dependent on the infant mortality as the number of individual in a country will only increase is depends on the number of children who are born and are able to live a full life. If a country has a high infant mortality rate, then a high number of children die at a tender age, meaning that the population of such a country will grow slowly. Again, the life expectancy

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unfair Employment Practices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unfair Employment Practices - Assignment Example Unfair Employment Practices This will allow for the application fair practices as regards to individuals wage, hours of work. It also helps to provide an opportunity for employers and employees to talk and solve issues arising within the organization. The law has the powers and the right to protect employees by allowing them to join organizations. 1. According to Morris, (2004), the national labor relations act employers are prohibited from interfering with any affairs of the trade union. Therefore, the human resource manager should summon the truck drivers’ representatives and advise them on their union rights. S/he should advice them on how to file complaints in the court and the various processes involved for them to become non-union members. Employers who feel their rights and those of other employers are being violated should report to the national labor relations board (Mikva, 1986). This should take place within six months after the unlawful act has been committed. The employees should inquire abo ut the violations with the human resource manager outside the scheduled hours for work or may consult any other person who has the knowledge regarding labor issues. The employee or employees may then go ahead and file a case regarding the unlawful acts (Warm, 1938-1939). Since human resource manager has knowledge on employee’s dissatisfaction with the union, s/he should continue the negotiations in good faith. He/she should also put efforts to ensure the negotiations are successful so that they can reach a written and binding agreement regarding the terms and conditions of employment. 2. Employees have a right to form unions at their own consent. The national labor relation act prohibits the employer to question the employee regarding their labor union support in a manner that is likely to discourage the individual from engaging into the union activities. The employer should also not apply any discrimination when hiring employees for a given job because of their interest into getting into a union (Warm, 1938-1939). Therefore, the employee should not be discriminated but should be given the job. The employee has a right to encourage fellow employees to get into a union. These employees should not be discriminated against due to their efforts. 3. To reduce the high rates of strikes in the organization employers and trade unions enter into negotiations to reach a binding written agreement. When negotiating parties fail to agree, the employees have a right to go on strike. It is the right of employees to organize with one or more workers any activities that are geared towards improving the working standards of other employees in the organization. Employees can achieve this by raising issues with the employers or government bodies concerned with labor activities. If these issues are not solved, employees have a right to go on strike to air their grievances. The national labor relations board handles all negotiations that have reached a dead end. Therefore, t he company and the union representatives should report their grievances to the national labor relations board (Warm, 1938-1939). During a strike, employer can seek employee replacements. The employees can also be permanently replaced but cannot be terminated from the organization. The organization has the duty to reinstate all the striking employees at the end of the strike to their former positions as long as the employees have

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Biostatestics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Biostatestics - Assignment Example a) The authors concluded about their study that use of gastric banding compared with lifestyle intervention resulted in a greater percentage achieving a loss of 50% of excess weight, corrected for age among obese adolescent participants. They further noted that there were associated benefits to health and quality of life (OBrien, et al., 2010). c) The major concern of the media watch program was the appropriateness of gastric banding for obese children. The media release of the results and authors did not say much about the adverse effects of the gastric banding procedure. The review further questioned the independence of the research study since Allergan Health their major source of funding doubles as the manufacturer of the gastric bands which were used in the study (Media Watch). d) 4% of the participants in the Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding group dropped out of the study whereas 28% of the participants in the Lifestyle group dropped out of the study (OBrien, et al.,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How did the United Staes policy in Iraq,Afghanistan and the Middle Essay

How did the United Staes policy in Iraq,Afghanistan and the Middle East, particularly during the Bush administration affect the U.S interest in Latin America after 2002 - Essay Example When George Bush took over power, he was among the people ready to fight against these criminal activities in Latin America. However, the US invasion in the Middle East led to its disengagement from Latin America. This is because a good number of Political bodies were against this move to Iraq. Their argument was that the already weak economy would further deteriorate since the US would intentionally increase gasoline prices. The US in its proclamation states that its key interests in other countries are in line with promoting democracy and peace. This includes eliminating oppressive governments in most of the Middle East countries while at times supporting the same oppressive regimes depending on how they agree with their economic interests. This support has led to controversies bringing the topic back at home. The Latin America’s budgets are in a vacuum just because the US wants to use such oppression to impose is policy reforms over Latin America (Youngers). By evading discussion like terrorism, it has become very easy for the US Southern Command to encourage most of the military operations in the internal affairs of most Latin American countries. The US has economic interests in the Middle East. It uses diplomatic missions, relief assistance to cover up its main agenda. This on the contrary displaces most Latin American nations who are the leading oil sources in the American region to compete effectively. While the US promises to support them in fighting issues like terror, it goes ahead to enter deals with terror related

Monday, September 23, 2019

What caused the korean war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

What caused the korean war - Essay Example The Korean War, civil and military struggle that was fought on the Korean Peninsula and that reached its height between 1950 and 1953, was originated in the division of Korea into South Korea and North Korea after World War II (1939-1945) . Efforts to reunify the peninsula after the war failed, and in 1948, the South proclaimed the Republic of Korea after the elections held under the United Nations and the North established the People’s Republic of Korea under the influence of the USSR. In 1949, border fighting broke out between the North and the South. On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces crossed the dividing line and invaded the South. Soon, in defence of the South, the United States joined the fighting under the banner of the United Nations (UN), along with small contingents of British, Canadian, Australian, and Turkish troops. In October 1950, China joined the war on the North’s side. By the time a cease-fire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953, millions of soldiers and civilians had perished. The armistice ended the fighting, but Korea has remained divided for decades since and subject to the possibility of a new war at any time3. In this paper, I will talk about causes of Korean War. World War II ended in Sep 1945, with the total surrender of Japan. Now little Korea, a bone without meat, was in paw reach of Russian armies. Dictator Joseph Stalin was all too well aware of Korea’s value as a foil against Russia’s traditional rivals, China and Japan, and as a checkmate to the United States which, having won the war in the pacific, was bound to play a leading role in establishing the new order in Asia4. He was set to overrun Korea, not to prepare it for freedom, but to convert it to Communism and thereafter exploit it. This has been his plan in central Europe, where he had first liberated, then, held captive, what are called the Iron curtain countries. In 1943, after the Cairo conference, Stalin had agreed with US,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Issue in the media today Essay Example for Free

Issue in the media today Essay Why is asylum such an important issue in the media today? More countries joined the EU recently, and it is expanding. People in the Eastern countries get low wages and so are attracted to Britain. 100-150,000 Poles have come to live in the UK illegally, to find work. The media reflects public concerns over mass immigration. Secondly, we are getting more immigrants than emigrants, so more people are entering than leaving the country. This also raises concerns about overcrowding. Thirdly, terrorism has become increasingly worrying, and people link asylum seekers to the recent murder of a police officer in Bradford. The general public dont believe that the government are effectively handling immigration, where only 25% of asylum cases get rejected, but NOT deported; leading the public to wonder where these people go. Asylum is an issue locally, because there is a Home office (Asylum Centre) in Croydon. These results in many asylum seekers come to Croydon. In this coursework I am going to compare two contrary newspaper articles on the issue of asylum. The point of view expressed by THE SUN is that asylum seekers should not be allowed to come into the UK and stay here. THE SUN wants people to read this article and get angry about those coming into the UK, at the experience of British tax payers. THE SUN believes that some asylum seekers are terrorists, and are using this to convince people to be against asylum seekers and write letters to the government against so much immigration. There are very strong elements of bias present in THE SUN because it gives only the point of view against asylum seekers staying in Britain. It is a very one sided article and though full of opinion, the opinion are put forward as facts. However, the point of view expressed in THE GUARDIAN is liberal, and is trying to give readers more information about the topic, so that they can come to their own decision. This newspaper gives different examples to show that not all asylum seekers are terrorists or coming here for free money. It also makes out that other newspapers are deliberately trying to give false impression to the public to try to scare them. The newspaper, however, is biased, as it only gives the point of view for immigration to be continued, rather than giving information for both sides of the story. However it is clearly an opinion piece and the photograph of the writer reinforces this. THE SUN makes the reader angry using phrases like Every day 1000 people or refugees claim free treatment on the NHS without being entitled to it, and The Government plans to fork out millions of Tax payers money buying luxury Hotels and more estate to house asylum seekers. These phrases make the reader angry if they think that they are paying taxes and asylum seekers are living in luxury hotels for free using their money; making them feel it is unfair. The language used by THE GUARDIAN is more sophisticated than THE SUN; the words used have more complex meanings whereas THE SUN uses simple language to make its points. This shows that the readership of each paper is very different; where THE GUARDIAN is read by people who are typically more educated then those of THE SUN. Its uses language such as tolerance, ethnicity and liberal progressives, which are effective because they make the reader feel that the issue is not in such a dangerous position as others make out. THE SUN uses other techniques to persuade its readers, such as photos and graphs. These are effective because the images used to make you want to read the topic and you can imagine what THE SUN is talking about when looking at the pictures. The graphs are eye-catching and show you the differences between spending in other countries and the UK; it shows the differences here very clearly. The cut-out letter to Tony Blair makes it easy for people to complete, and gives them a sense of power to do something. The bold writing used is catchy because you can see it instantly, and your eye looks at the different writing because it shows you the main points clearly. THE GUARDIAN uses a cartoon to persuade its readers because it is complicated, and vague, so makes them think about its meaning. The photograph is effective because it shows the person who is writing the article, and you realise that this persons opinions are written here. However, THE SUN makes opinion sound like facts which is misleading. I find THE SUN more persuasive because it is simple and effective words which most people are able to understand. It also shows the picture where I think people are able to understand. It also shows the picture where I think people are climbing over the fence having scarves on, which is not showing there full face, this makes the reader think that the people are terrorists or criminals. The article makes me feel angry towards the newspaper because it gives a very biased point of view, and doesnt tell me about genuine asylum cases. My point of view is that asylum seekers should be allowed to move from their country to any country they wish, because they are also humans as we are and they are just unlucky that they cant live in their own country because of many reasons like war and persecution. The main reason that people move from their country to the UK is because they need to reach a place of safety. Secondly, they choose the UK in preference to other destinations which tells us that they know of the UK but I dont think they will have a detailed knowledge of our immigration and/or our benefits systems. I think that the people should make more effort to understand the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are people who move to settle in another country or region, temporarily or permanently, in violation of the law or without documents permitting them to settle in another country or region, temporarily or permanently, in violation of the law or without documents permitting them to settle in that country. I can understand that some people may get upset by so many people moving here, because it is hard to find jobs anyway, hospitals and schools are overcrowded and there is a lot of crime, people may feel that asylum seekers only add to the problem.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ptlls 008 Roles, Responsibilities Essay Example for Free

Ptlls 008 Roles, Responsibilities Essay Important to define the terms prior to listing the entities which may impact on my work: Legislative requirement: A duty to act according to the law as defined in an Act of Parliament and usually enforceable through the courts. Code of Practice: A set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession or situation is expected to behave. Statutory Code of Practice: A Code of Practice approved by Parliament and admissible as evidence in any legal action. The Children Act (2004) – Every Child Matters underpinned the Change For Children agenda. The Act came into being following the death of Victoria Climbie. The Act is applicable to children and vulnerable adults up to the age of 25. Focused on five specific outcomes for children: Be healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being Protection of Children Act (1991) – gave local authorities to investigates cases of child abuse. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) – introduced a vetting and barring service for those working with children and vulnerable adults. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks). Code of Professional Practice (2008) – introduced by the Lifelong Learning Sector. The code is based on 7 behaviours expected of teachers. Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988) – relates to copying and adapting materials. The Data Protection (1998) – relates to information held on people by others. Education and Skills Act (2008) – aimed at increasing participation in learning. The Equality Act (2010) brought all the areas of discrimination: race, sex, disability, race into one Act. The 2010 Act identifies 9 areas of discrimination. Freedom Of Information Act (2000) – individuals can ask to see the information held on them Health and Safety At Work (1974) – imposes obligations on all to operate within a safe and healthy environment Human Rights Act (1998) – basic rights for all The Further Education Teacher’s Qualifications (England) Regulations (2007) – professional status for teachers in FE and a qualification route GRAVELLS, A. (2012) Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector 1. 2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity The definition of equality is to treat everybody equally, especially in terms of status, rights and opportunities. The 2010 Equality Act brought together a number of different pieces of legislation which means it is unlawful to discriminate against people on the grounds of pay, sex, race and disability. Diversity means being aware that every person is unique, not only because of their visible differences such as race, age or disability, but also non visible differences, religion, social background, economic status or political beliefs. Inclusion is about being objective and looking beyond first impressions. It’s about diversity and breaking down barriers, changing lives and promoting equality. Within my role it’s important for me to base my practice around the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion and keep an open mind. Without an open mind I may not support all people equally to recognise their potential and achieve their aspirations. Discrimination could then be argued to have occurred as students would not have been treated equally. Particular to my role as a potential facilitator would be the areas of Differentiation Preconceived stereotypes Encouraging a wide variety of views Use of culturally diverse images and resources Learning support where appropriate 1. 3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning Reflective Journal Annex A It is important to consider this question in relation to internal and external influences. My role as a facilitator is connected to the Learning Cycle. The cycle consists of five reoccurring elements. It is appropriate for me to answer this question offering examples for each element. Identify needs. Role arranging assessments to identify student need particularly in the key skill areas: numeracy, literacy and ICT Responsibility – offering information, advice and guidance on the contents of the course Plan learning Role – planning schemes of work and when it will be taught Responsibility – designing a scheme of work, lesson plans and resources Deliver/Facilitate learning Role – establish ground rules Responsibility – deal with inappropriate behaviour as it arises Assessing Learning Role – assess progress whether it be for internal purposes or national examination bodies Responsibility – offering feedback to students Evaluation Role – improve the teaching and learning process Responsibility – evaluate session taught perhaps through student reflective journals 1. 4 Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learner Reflective Journal Annex B To meet the needs of the learner, firstly I would conduct an initial assessment, particularly in the areas of key skills: literacy, numeracy and ICT. This would enable both myself and the learner to identify and agree areas where additional support was required to enhance learning Secondly I would negotiate Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) to enable both the learner and myself to set targets and monitor outcomes. Thirdly I would initiate regular tutorials where individuals could receive dedicated individual attention where achievement could be celebrated and support and help offered. Lastly, I would constantly be mindful of barriers to learning whether this be learning or personal ones. In such cases where there were issues depending on the nature of these issues I would either deal with them myself or signpost the student to an appropriate professional 2. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning 2. 1 Analyse the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles There are three areas on which I intend to focus. First the teachers time is limited it therefore may be appropriate to refer a student to another professional, for example if the students wishes to discuss their career ideas, although I would feel comfortable doing this I may not have the time. I would therefore signpost them to a career expert. Secondly the teacher may not have a particular expertise and teachers should be respectful of the abilities of other professionals. For example if my computer projector broke down I would ask a technician to repair it. They would have both the expertise and health and safety knowledge to complete the task. Thirdly within the busy life of a classroom it is not always possible to meet the specific needs of the learner whether this is in respect of key skills, language barriers or personal problems. In any of the incidents it would be appropriate for me to refer them to another professional. The key is always to support the learning of the learner.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Standards for Moral Conduct in Criminal Justice

Standards for Moral Conduct in Criminal Justice I have become in fascinated with the way that the criminal justice field works. There are so many different career opportunities that one can get apply to. The field of work that I feel would be best for me will be a juvenile probationer officer. I do feel that being in this line of work will benefit me as well as the juveniles that I can work with. I will be able to help those individuals that have gotten into trouble and help them turn their life around and do positive things that will benefit them in the long run. Job Description To begin, a juvenile probation officer (JPO) is an individual who has the authority to supervise youth who have been delinquent or undisciplined in court and who are placed on probation or protective supervision by the presiding judge and being able work closely with law enforcement, social services, schools, and parents to help juveniles become successful. In this field of work, the probation officers primary task is to supervise the youth on their caseloads for compliance with the courts orders. Normally the tasks involved are regular visits to the juveniles home, school, work, and other areas of the community in which the juvenile frequents. This is a way for the officer to see inside the world of the juvenile. They are able to see where they live and what factors are playing a role in their behavior. These visits could possibly range from weekly as well as monthly visits. This will be determined based off of the supervision level given by the court. These visits can also include unannounced visits to check compliance with curfew, to conduct random drug screens, and to monitor the whereabouts of the juveniles. During this time, the officer will give referral information that will assist with the intervention plan for the juvenile and his or her parents. And if for some reason the juvenile is placed on electric monitoring, the JPO will also install the equipment, attach the monitor, and track the juveniles activities. Stakeholders When it comes to the stakeholders that are involved with this career, there are a few. The stakeholders are individuals that stay on the local system for the adoption of new reforms. The stakeholders can be district attorneys, judges, directors of child welfare agencies, as well as probation officers or chiefs. These individuals along, have sessions to discuss what is the best way to handle the juvenile system. The overall goal is to decrease crime and lower the costs of juvenile defendants. Ethical Decision Making Moral Action In the field of juvenile probation officers, there are many types of issues that could possibly come about. First, one has to understand that they are dealing with a child. Second, this child belongs to someone that most likely cares for them and want them to get the proper help. And third, one has to have some form of understanding when dealing with the different types of juveniles that come before them. So one scenario would be how to handle a juvenile that is quite disrespectable and out of control. Another scenario can be how could I handle a juvenile that thinks they know everything and we as authority figures cant tell them anything. They are right and everyone is wrong. And a third scenario can be how to deal with a juvenile that has gotten their first offense and is not sure of the rules and regulations. As we know, working with juveniles can be a task. With the fact that they are somewhat of age but have managed to follow the wrong crowd, can be difficult at times to get the m to understand they are making very bad decisions. So being a probationer officer, this becomes a task of almost trying to re-raise an individual that has been taught all wrong. Ethical Theories Due to the fact that probation officers deal with many types of individuals, one has to have some ethical theories in place to follow. There are times when one theory might not be compatible with the type of individual you are dealing with. Probation officers have to be prepared at all times. One theory that I could apply to this line of work would be the deontological theory. This theory judges the morality of an action based on the actions adherence to a rule or rules. Basically this is an ethics of duty or obligation. With this theory, I am very well capable of informing juveniles the rules and regulations. There will be a clear understanding that the rules provided will be followed or there will be consequences. Now as always, there are advantages and disadvantages to using certain methods. Now a few of the pros of deontological theory is that the information given is straightforward. That basically means there will be no cutting of the corners. There is simply one principal as the moral test of all actions. The rules will be followed. Another pro is that it carries an intuitive appeal. We feel that we should be respected at all times. Regardless of the situation, the respect has to be acknowledged. There are also cons to this theory as well. One con is the act-to-produce-the-best-consequences. This simply means that no matter what, the outcome must have a great consequence. That means that if a juvenile has violated probation a certain number of times, the consequence for that action has to be the best. This could simply mean jail time for that juvenile. Another con would be that this theory has to deal with conflict that seem to exist between duties and between certain rights. This basically means that conflict of ones duties is inconceivable. There is not a chance th at the rules laid out would be broken. Getting more into the theories, I would also use the virtue theory. Virtue theory judges a person by his/her character rather than by the action that may deviate from his/her normal behavior  It takes the persons morals, reputation and motivation into account when rating an unusual and irregular behavior that is considered unethical. Overall, one would be able to look into the past of the juvenile to see how this person normally acts. One might also be able to determine the cause of why the juvenile ended up going down the path he or she did. The advantage for this theory is that the focus will switch for moral value rather than from the act. Simply put, I would rather judge on what I know about the behavior of the individual than the crime that was committed. Another advantage is that there is an opportunity to learn and improve ones moral life. I am sure that there is a way to help this juvenile get on the right track and to avoid breaking the law in the future. Well, unfortunately, there are also disadvantages or cons to this theory. One of these disadvantages is that it does not take into consideration a persons change in moral character. We know that once we know a character of a person, we want to believe that person will always maintain that character. But there are times when a person can get caught up with the wrong crowd and their whole demeanor will change forever. Another disadvantage would be that virtue ethics does not seem to have room for basic concepts such as rights and obligations. One will seem very inadequate in dealing with big issues. Well in this case, a person would have a difficult time with giving the consequence of the offenders actions. They can only see the good and not the bad. Code of Ethics When it comes to creating a code of ethics, I would want to make sure that it will cover exactly how my organization will be defined. A code of ethics is an overview of what the organization stands for and what the organization as a whole is trying to achieve. It will detail how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organizations core values and the standards to which the professional is held. One of code of ethics would be that professional service will be rendered to the justice system and to the community assuring the social adjustment for an offender. Another code will be that we must abide by all federal laws, federal guidelines and rules, and state laws. I would want to make sure that all officers follow rules to avoid misconduct. A third code would be that we as an organization will uphold the law with dignity, displaying an awareness of our responsibility to offenders while recognizing the right of the public to be safeguarded fr om criminal activity. We will also respect and protect the legal rights of all juveniles and their parents and/or guardians. Regardless of the offenders reason for being there, they should always be respected as well as their rights protected. One has to remember that we are dealing with young individuals. I will also want to enforce to serve each child with concern for their welfare with no expectation of personal gain. Simply put, do what is best for that child without wanting to be recognized for the work you pledged to do. And a final code would be to treat all juveniles and their families with courtesy, consideration, and dignity. We must remember that we are all human, we are not perfect. There will come a time when we all will make a mistake so we should not judge. Best Practices Overall, I would want to make sure that everyone involved with the juveniles are following the same rules and regulation. I would want to make sure that there is a best-practice checklist that one will familiarize themselves with on a daily basis. So to begin, the first on the checklist would be to concentrate on having juveniles being able to understand and relate to the thinking process that warrant negative behavior. Second, we want to promote strong bonds with, and respect for, the other member of his or her family, peers, school, and any other individuals that deal with them on a daily basis. Third, have a comprehensive and understandable path for the juveniles progression towards completion. Fourth, have constant rules in place in the event of misbehavior and rewards for good behavior. Fifth, provide an assortment of highly structured programming activities, including education and/or hands-on vocational training and skill development. Sixth, facilitate discussions that promote family problem solving. Last but not least, integrate delinquent and at-risk youth into generally prosocial groups to prevent the development of delinquent peer groups. Implications The goal with this checklist is to make sure that we can get these juveniles on the right path. They need individuals that can understand and relate to them. They are also looking to be able to trust the individual they are dealing with. When you are able to have compassion and understanding with these juveniles, you will have a better outcome of them opening up to you. And by giving them positive options rather than being in the street, they might also feel a sort of security with you. They will start to put their trust in you. Having positive outlets will always lead to more getting out of the delinquent life style and trying to better them in a positive way. Conclusion In the end, I am sure that my code of ethics will have a positive impact on all the stakeholders. With the fact that all times, we as a whole will always render a professional service. That means at all times, attitudes will be professional regardless of the situation at hand. Also with the fact that all laws, federal and state, will be followed. There will be no corner cutting when it comes to following the rules. And if for some reason any wants not to abide by those rules, there will be consequences. Also, when it comes to the juveniles, we will make sure that their legal rights are protected. Just because they have broken the law, we will treat them with respect and make sure they are protected. But most importantly, we will always be concerned for the welfare of that child. One can appreciate the fact that these children will be taken care of and treated with respect. As I stated earlier, we all make mistakes and dealing with probation system is a way to get that second chance o n life. Regardless of what has transpired, the juvenile will be able to start making better decisions to improve a healthy and positive lifestyle. I do believe that these codes will greatly please the stakeholders. They will have a complete understanding of the goals that we as an organization are trying to fulfil. There will also be an understanding that these juveniles will be treated with the upmost respect and that there wellbeing is our number one concern. But most of all, we are here for them to be able to acknowledge their wrong doings and understand the consequences of their actions. This will be the first step to getting them back on the right track and understanding that there are more positive things you can do with your life besides being in trouble with the law. References Juvenile Probation Officer Career Guide (2016). Criminal Justice Degree Schools. Retrieved  from Davis, A., Irvine, A., Ziedenberg, J. (2014). Stakeholders Views on the Movement to  Reduce Youth Incarceration. National Council on Crime Delinquency. Retrieved from Alexander, L., Moore, M. (2012). Deontological Ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  Retrieved from Banks, Cyndi (2013). Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice (3rd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA.  Sage Publications, Inc. Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Standards. Juvenile Justice Professional Code of Ethics for  Certified Officers. Retrieved from American Probation and Parole Association (2009). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from Rainbow, Catherine (2002). Descriptions of Ethical Theories and Principles. Department of  Biology. Retrieved from Investopedia (2016). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from Pros and Cons of Virtue Ethics: Philosophy. Retrieved from Bilchik, Shay (1999). Focus on Accountability: Best Practices for Juvenile Court and Probation. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

l.a confidential film noir :: essays research papers

The Key Conventions Of Film Noir In L.A Confidential L.A Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997) is a neo-noir film about a shooting at an all night diner and the three Las Angeles policeman who investigate in their own unique ways. It is based on the book by James Ellroy and after a very well adapted screenplay, won nine academy awards. It starred actors with big names like Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce and Danny Devito, which made it a very high earning film. The Narrative or storyline is much the same as any other film noir movie. It has a ‘hard boiled’ cop (Russell Crowe) who we grow attached to. The narrative of any film must have certain ‘key conventions’ which are apparent for the audience to tell the genre of the film. The narrative can be used to provide an explanation as to why the film contains certain things, or why a character does something. The genre of the film is how we know what kind of film it is. Genre is a French word which literally means type; it shows what category a film comes under. There are certain factors in a genre which will identify it. Things like settings, characters and themes can all be similar in one specific genre. ‘L.A Confidential is in the film noir genre. Other films in this genre are ‘The Big Sleep’, ‘The Maltese Falcon’ and ‘Double Indemnity’. Lighting is very important in film noir. It uses techniques such as chiaroscuro to give the film a darker, more obscured feel. The characters are often similar in film noir. The main protagonist is always some hard boiled cop or investigator who doesn’t always play by the book to get his desired results. There is often a femme fatale; a very pretty woman with whom the main protagonist has a love interest. There will always be bad guys who will try and stop the main protagonist from completing the case. In L.A Confidential Danny Devito narrates. A narrator is quite common in noir films. The purpose of a narrator is to explain, to the audience, parts of the film which cannot be explained by conversation on screen or visually. A voice over is non- diagetic which means that we can hear it but it is not apparently coming from anywhere on screen. Danny Devito is perfect in this role because he has quite a seedy voice this is good to illustrate the sleaziness of film-noir, it shows the real voice of L.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nursing vs. Teaching as Careers Essay -- Careers Compare Contrast Job

Nursing vs. Teaching as Careers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nursing is an exciting and challenging field to study. Nursing uses a scientific process to plan care for people in acute illnesses and teach them how to stay healthy or cope with their illness. Nurses basically the helper of the doctors. They assist the doctors by giving medicine, treatments, tests, injections, or draw blood as directed by the physician. They also observe patients for mental, physical, social and or emotional changes and record changes. There are several field of jobs that a registered nurse can go through. Nurse teachers in a community or university colleges and registered nurses who work in a hospital are two of the examples in the field of nursing job. University and college teachers of nursing provide advanced instruction to students in the field of nursing. first, to be an instuctor, a person must be a registered nurse with at least have a bachelor's degree. In today's society, teachers usually have a master's degree. Second, their working hours varies according to teaching load. They usually don't have a stable working hours. Working hours really depends on their experiences, seniority, and performance. Their job is a contract basis only. Teachers' contracts run between nine to twelve months in a year. Third, according to EUREKA, average community college instructor pay is $3,166 per month and ranges from $2,577 to $3,990 per month. Full professors and those with many years of experience may e...