Thursday, October 31, 2019

Film Theory of Bazin and Eisenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Film Theory of Bazin and Eisenstein - Essay Example All the arts are based on the presence of man. Only photography derives an advantage from his absence. Photography affects us like a phenomenon in nature, like a flower or a snowflake whose vegetable or earthly origins are an inseparable part of their beauty" Bazin (1967, p.3). Both appreciated the cinema and the inherent art in it; but their theories were very different from one another. At times, there is clear conflict with the other theory and the perspectives are very different. Eisenstein had the added distinction of being an extremely well-known director of many successful movies. Basin, in his short life, did not have any such practical involvement with the cinema, but his theories of the cinematic world stand apart above others even to this day. Andre Bazin, known as the best film authority the world has ever produced, was a film theorist, critic, and a humanist philosopher and has written many articles on film philosophy. His articles are translated into many languages, especially English. Basin is considered to be the sage of film philosophy and he has never been dethroned ever since he became popular, even though he was criticized for his theories by other film critics. He called cinema as 'an idealistic phenomenon'. He agrees that it is technical, but this factor is of secondary importance. Actually he agrees upon it after a pause, as an afterthought. His concentration on the technical side of the cinema is consequential and not primary. He always said that the mechanical mediation of the camera makes the cinema absolutely realistic. He placed cinema above the arts like painting, because he said, if the brush is pitted against the camera, camera makes a better job in duplicating reality than the brush, because camera is driven by technology, whereas the brush depends upon the eye and perspective of the artist, which could be entirely different from reality. No two people can have the same artistic eye sight. At the same time, cinema is capable of recording things and scenes better than a painting. While he does not deny the human intervention in the form of the person who wields the camera, he suggests that this should be kept to the minimum. "Although the potential for human intervention is always present, even granting the mechanical intervention, Bazin believes that the filmmaker owes it to the complexity of reality to refrain from false subjective manipulation and overwrought formalist mediation," To him cinema is a tool that fulfils the psychological needs of the society. He considered it as one of the ultimate art forms. He was positive that cinema fulfils the artistic and ethical obsession of people, which is a compelling trait that has an urge to be fulfilled. "For Bazin the situation was clear: either a filmmaker utilizes empirical reality for his personal ends or else he explores empirical reality for its own sake. In the former case the filmmaker is making of empirical reality a series of signs which point to or create an aesthetic or rhetorical truth, perhaps lofty and noble, perhaps prosaic and debased. In the latter case, however, the filmmaker brings us closer to the events filmed by seeking the significance of a scene somewhere within the unadorned tracings it left on the celluloid" Andrew (1976, 145). Basin thought that human beings have a weakness for creative psychology and they like to visualise illusions. These illusions become ardent desires and demand to be fulfilled and under such circumstances, creative and innovative art forms materialise. "It is essential to emphasize the skeptical aspect of Bazin's affirmations about psychology, his manifest awareness of human vulnerability to illusion and ideology. For Bazin,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Formation and Evolution Essay Example for Free

Formation and Evolution Essay A black hole is a theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even electromagnetic radiation (e. g. visible light), can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon. Black holes are objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravity, and since nothing can travel faster than light, nothing can escape from inside a black hole. On the other hand, a black hole exerts the same force on something far away from it as any other object of the same mass would. For example, if our Sun was magically crushed until it was about 1 mile in size, it would become a black hole, but the Earth would remain in its same orbit. Even back in Isaac Newtons time, scientists speculated that such objects could exist, even though we now know they are more accurately described using Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Using this theory, black holes are fascinating objects where space and time become so warped that time practically stops in the vicinity of a black hole. The former types have measured masses ranging from 4 to 15 Suns, and are believed to be formed during supernova explosions. The after-effects are observed in some X-ray binaries known as black hole candidates. On the other hand, galaxy-mass black holes are found in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). These are thought to have the mass of about 10 to 100 billion Suns. The mass of one of these super massive black holes has recently been measured using radio astronomy. X-ray observations of iron in the accretion disks may actually be showing the effects of such a massive black hole as well. Formation and Evolution The primary formation process for black holes is expected to be the gravitational collapse of heavy objects such as stars, but there are also more exotic processes that can lead to the production of black holes. Gravitational collapse occurs when an objects internal pressure is insufficient to resist the objects own gravity. For stars this usually occurs either because a star has too little fuel left to maintain its temperature, or because a star which would have been stable receives a lot of extra matter in a way which does not raise its core temperature. In either case the stars temperature is no longer high enough to prevent it from collapsing under its own weight. The result is one of the various types of compact star. Which type of compact star is formed depends on the mass of the remnant the matter left over after changes triggered by the collapse (such as supernova or pulsations leading to a planetary nebula) have blown away the outer layers. If the mass of the remnant exceeds ~3-4 solar masses (the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit)—either because the original star was very heavy or because the remnant collected additional mass through accretion of matter)—even the degeneracy pressure of neutrons is insufficient to stop the collapse. After this no known mechanism (except maybe the quark degeneracy pressure, see quark star) is powerful enough to stop the collapse and the object will inevitably collapse to a black hole. This gravitational collapse of heavy stars is assumed to be responsible for the formation of most (if not all) stellar mass black holes. Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb interstellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent cosmic background radiation, but neither of these processes should significantly affect the mass of a stellar black hole. Properties of Black Holes According to the No Hair theorem a black hole has only three independent physical properties: mass, charge and angular momentum. Any two black holes that share the same values for these properties are indistinguishable. This contrasts with other astrophysical objects such as stars, which have very many—possibly infinitely many—parameters. Consequently, a great deal of information is lost when a star collapses to form a black hole. Since in most physical theories information is preserved (in some sense), this loss of information in black holes is puzzling. Black Hole Types The simplest possible black hole is one that has mass but neither charge nor angular momentum. These black holes are often referred to as Schwarzschild black holes after the physicist Karl Schwarzschild who discovered this solution in 1915. It was the first (non-trivial) exact solution to the Einstein equations to be discovered, and according to Birkhoffs theorem, the only vacuum solution that is spherically symmetric. The Reissner-Nordstrom solution describes a black hole with electric charge, while the Kerr solution yields a rotating black hole. The most general known stationary black hole solution is the Kerr-Newman metric having both charge and angular momentum. Sizes Black holes occurring in nature are commonly classified according to their mass, independent of angular momentum J. The size of a black hole, as determined by the radius of the event horizon, or Schwarzschild radius, is proportional to the mass through where is the Schwarzschild radius and is the mass of the Sun. Thus, size and mass have a simple relationship, which is independent of rotation. According to this mass/size criterion then, black holes are commonly classified as Super massive black holes, Intermediate-mass black holes, Stellar-mass black holes, Micro black holes Conclusion There is very good evidence from astronomical observations that the universe is full of black holes with sizes ranging from six to a billion solar masses in size. Black hole accretion power is responsible for some of the most spectacular phenomena in the universe. These phenomena are NOT well understood, however, largely because of the complexity of the physics of the central accretion flow. There is little doubt, though, that black holes exist at the heart of active galactic nuclei, quasars, and certain X-ray binaries. Accretion power is an important contributor to the overall evolution and ecology of the universe. Electromagnetic observations are currently probing the innermost parts of accretion flows, and revealing interesting effects of the relativistic space-time assuming our models of the flows are not WAY wrong. How can one prove the existence of black holes, short of a suicidal leap across an event horizon? Detection of gravitational waves ripples in the fabric of space-time itself, is perhaps the only way. Currently astronomers view black holes if they are lit up electromagnetically a very biased view! Black holes which are lit up gravitationally may offer a very differently biased view. Works cited Kraus, Ute. Step by Step into a Black Hole. (2005-03-20) Remillard, Ronald A. ; McClintock, X-ray Properties of Black-Hole Binaries, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. (2006) 44: 49–92. Celotti, A. ; Miller, J. C. ; Sciama, D. W. , Astrophysical evidence for the existence of black holes, (1999) Class. Quant. Grav. 16. Hawking, S. W. ; Penrose, R. , The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse and Cosmology, (1970) Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon 314 (1519): 529–548 Schwarzschild, Karl , Uber das Gravitationsfeld eines Kugel aus inkompressibler Flussigkeit nach der Einsteinschen Theorie(1916), Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. D. Wiss. : 424–434.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Formulation And Production Of Various Types Of Detergents Biology Essay

Formulation And Production Of Various Types Of Detergents Biology Essay Detergents are cleaning agents which play a very important role in our daily life. They not only can help us to stay care, health for our homes and wealth, but also can make our environment more pleasant and active. According to the different functions and usages, detergent can be classified into various types which are laundry, household, personal and dishwashing cleaning products. Besides that, these different types of detergents can also be further classified into powder, cake, liquid and others depending on their texture form. Among the various types of detergents, the formulation and production of solid and liquid laundry detergents are going to be described by giving examples. Laundry detergent is a type of detergent used to clean and rinse the laundry things. Different kind of detergents will be formulated from different substances in order to meet the requirement of cleaning and the manufacturing process will also be slightly different. Generally, laundry detergents are formulated from six groups of matters which include surfactants, builders, bleaching agents, enzymes, fillers and other minor additives. An example of solid laundry detergent that I would like to illustrate is a solid laundry detergent containing light density silicate salt. It was invented by Nigel Patrick Somerville Roberts in 2009.  This detergent is formulated from light density silicate salt, detersive surfactant, carbonate salt, sulphate salt, phosphate builder, zeolite builder, enzymes and other additives. These formulations are going to be described in detail. This type of detergent contains light density silicate salt that is usually a sodium silicate salt. This composition is considered to be the most important in this detergent because this is a detergent which specially contains light density silicate salt. The light density silicate salt is 1 wt% 40 wt% and has a bulk density of less than 200 g/l or 150 g/l. Sometimes, the density is even less than 100 g/l. Besides that, it has a weight average particle size of less than 300  µm, 200  µm or 100  µm. The light density silicate salt can be got from a flash-drying process. It has been found that adding the light density silicate salt into other ingredients can make the detergent to be produced through conventional set processes and even a set of single mixer processes. Besides that, light density silicate salt or sodium silicate salt added acts as a corrosion inhibitor, so it can prevent materials from rusting. Furthermore, the ingredient of the detergent also consists of 5wt% 60 wt% detersive surfactant. Surfactant is an organic compound which can be obtained through a chemical reaction involving fats or oil as raw materials. Since surfactant has emulsifying, wetting and dispersing properties, it is able to remove dirt from clothes and keep the soil suspending on the water, so that soil will not stick on the clothes and can be easily rinsed away. There are different types of surfactants which include anionic, cationic, non-ionic, amphoteric and zwitterionic detersive surfactants. Among these detersive surfactants, anionic detersive surfactant is preferred to be used as surfactant in this detergent. Alkoxylated alcohol sulphate anionis detersive surfactants such as substituted or unsubstituted, linear or branched ethoxylated C12-18 alcohol sulphates, linear unsubstituted C10-13 alkyl benzene sulphonates, alkyl sulphates, alkyl sulphonates, alkyl phosphates, alkyl phosphonates and alkyl car boxylates are suitable to be anionic detersive surfactants. Besides anionic detersive surfactant, cationic detersive surfactants such as mono-C6-18  alkyl mono-hydroxyethyl di-methyl quaternary ammonium chlorides, mono-C8-10  alkyl mono-hydroxyethyl di-methyl quaternary ammonium chloride, mono-C10  alkyl mono-hydroxyethyl di-methyl quaternary ammonium chloride and mono-C10-12  alkyl mono-hydroxyethyl di-methyl quaternary ammonium chloride, and non-ionic detersive surfactants such as C12-18  alkyl ethoxylated alcohols and C8-18  alkyl alkoxylated alcohols may also be added into the solid laundry detergent. Although surfactant is not effective in hard water, its detergent property is also incomplete in soft water. In addition, one of the ingredients included in the solid laundry detergent is builders. Builders are used to remove magnesium and calcium ions which are present in the hard water or soils, so that the quantity of surfactant added to execute the detersive action can be reduced. Some builders can also prevent magnesium and calcium salts from precipitating on the clothes. In this kind of solid laundry detergent, 0 wt% to 30 wt% phosphates and 0 wt% to 5 wt% zeolite builders are used. If the component of the detergent which has a very good environmental profile is desired, then phosphate builders are preferred. On the other hand, if the composition of the detergent is desired to be highly water soluble and transparent wash liquor, then zeolite builders are favoured. Therefore, depending on different requirement, different type of builders is needed. Phosphate builders include sodium tripolyphosphate whereas zeolite builders consist of zeolite A, zeolite P, zeolite X and zeolite MAP Moreover, the detergent also comprises from 0 wt% 50wt% of carbonate salts to maintain the alkalinity. Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate can be used, but thereof, sodium carbonate is more preferred. In order to enabling the adjustment of the active matter in the laundry detergent to the amount used, 0 wt% 40 wt% of sulphate salt such as sodium sulphate in powdered form is also added. The sodium sulphate which is a filler product can also be used to dilute powdered detergent. Solid laundry detergent also formulated from bleaching agent which is used to remove immovable soil and guarantee sanitation by killing bacteria through an oxidation reaction. It is usually carried out by peroxygen generator such as sodium percarbonate salt is more preferred. Besides that, bleach activator such as tetraacetyl ethylene diamine, imide bleach activator such as N-nonanoyl-N-methyl acetamide, oxybenzene sulphonate bleach activator such as nonanoyl oxybenzene sulphonate, caprolactam bleach activator, polymeric carboxylates and preformed peracids may also be added in order to activate the bleaching agents. Enzymes such as amylases, cellulases, lipases, carbohydrases, proteases, laccases, oxidases, peroxidases, pectate lyases and mannanases are also added into the detergent to catalyse the degradation of soils and then help the elimination. Some minor additives like suds suppressing systems, fluorescent whitening agents, photobleach, fabric-softening agents, flocculants, dye transfer inhibitors, fabric integrity components, soil dispersants and soil anti-redeposition aids, anti-redeposition components, perfume, dyes, sulphamic acid and citric acids are also added in small quantities to effectively improve the specific washing properties. In order to produce solid laundry detergent, there are three different ways which are dry mixing or blender process, agglomeration and spray drying process. Among these three methods, dry mixing and agglomeration are more common. For dry mixing or blender process which is a manufacturing method used to blend dry raw materials, all ingredients are firstly loaded into either ribbon blender or tumbling blender. Ribbon blender is cylinder-shaped and blades are fitted inside the blender to scratch and blend ingredients together, whereas tumbling blender is a box with rectangular- shaped and it is twisted and shaked from outside by a machine. When all the ingredients of detergents have been blended uniformly in the blender, a gateway at the bottom of the machine will be opened and the powdered mixture will then released through a conveyor belt or other channelling device to a place where the detergents can be packed into boxes or cartons and then transported to the market. For the second method, agglomeration process, initially, dry compositions which have been placed into the Shuggi agglomerator are mixed and sheared equally into fine particles by sharp and rolling blades in the agglomerator. Then, liquid compositions are sprayed onto the dry mixture through nozzles which are on the agglomerators wall after the dry compositions have been mixed uniformly in the agglomerator. A liquid mixture formed is hot and viscous because exothermic reaction occurs when blending process continues. Then, the liquid flows out from the agglomerator and accumulates on a drying belt. Drying belt contains a hot air blower which makes the liquid easier to be crushed. Finally, it is crushed and pushed through sizing screen to prevent unmixed large particles from being formed before detergents are transported to the market. High density powdered detergents are produced. Spray drying process is also known as slurry method. Firstly, all dry and liquid ingredients are mixed together to form a slurry in a tank which is called crutcher. The heated slurry is pumped and blown into a tower through nozzles in order to form small droplets. High pressure is applied in the tower to force the droplets from the top of the spray tower to the bottom. Once the slurry dries, hollow granules formed will be collected in the bottom of the tower and then screened to get a standard size. After the beads of the dry detergents are cooled, heat sensitive materials such as enzyme, bleaching agent and perfume are added and finally they are collected for packaging. Since the technology nowadays is more advanced compared to last time, air inside the granules can be effectively reduced and higher density solid detergent can be formed through this method. Another type of detergent that I am going to describe is liquid laundry detergent. This detergent will be illustrated by an example which is known as liquid laundry detergent containing cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer. It is invented by Peter Gerard Gray, Karel Jozef Maria Depoot, Luc Marie Willy, Lievens, Falke Elisabeth Vanneste and Serge Omer Alfons Jean Thoof in 2008. This detergent which is good for washing delicate fabrics is formulated from cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer, surfactant, fatty acid, enzyme which is free of cellulytic activity, builder and other additives. This liquid laundry detergent contains about 0.05%-0.4%, by weight of the composition, of cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer. Besides that, the cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer has a more preferably 0.01 0.10 degree of substitution of cationic charge, as well as, molecular weight of about 200000 800000. The cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose has repeating substituted anhydroglucose units and the anhydroglucose units may be substituted by alkyl groups. Moreover, to avoid lumps formation when adding water into it at ambient temperature, the cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer can be cross-linked with dialdehyde like glyoxyl. The purpose of adding cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer is actually to provide fabric care advantages to laundered textiles when it is combined with surfactant and fatty acid. Furthermore, surfactant is one of the ingredients added into the liquid laundry detergent. More preferably, the detergent contains 7% -15%, by weight of the compositions, of surfactant. The surfactant must comprise at least one anionic surfactant such as alkyl ethoxylate sulphate and linear straight chain alkyl benzene sulphonates, and at least one non-ionic surfactant such as polyhydroxy fatty acid amides. The suitable anionic surfactants include the water-soluble salts, especially alkali metal and ammonium salts of organic sulphuric reaction products. The liquid laundry detergent also consists of 2% 15%, 2% -10% or 2.5% 7%, by weight of the composition, of fatty acid. The fatty acid used in the detergent is saturated and unsaturated with 8 24 or 12 18 carbon atoms. Besides that, the detergent is significantly free of optical brighter. This means that the amount of optical brighter must not be detectable, so the detergent must contains less 0.0001% of optical brighter. The optical brighter can be used to improve the appearance of colour of fabrics and make the fabric look cleaner, but it will cause allergic, so it is not added into the detergent. Moreover, enzymes which are substantially free of cellulytic activity are also included in the liquid laundry detergent at the sufficient amount, such as protease, amylase, lipase and others. The concentration of enzymes containing cellulytic activity must be less than 0.0001% or even in the undetectable quantity. This is because there may be cellulase present in those enzymes and it will hydrolyze the cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer that provides fabric care benefits. Thus, indirectly, the benefits of this detergent will be damaged. Nevertheless, if this type of enzyme is required, then sufficient amount of cellulase inhibitor including enzyme stabilizing system can be added to stop the action of cellulase towards the cationic hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer. The compositions of the detergent may also consist of 0.1% 80%, by weight of the composition, of builder. The builders comprise either phosphate salt or organic and inorganic non-phosphorus builders. Organic non-phosphorus builders which are water soluble include carboxylate, polycarboxylate, polyhydroxy sulphonates, different alkali metals, ammonium and substituted ammonium polyacetates. While inorganic non-phosphorus builders consist of aluminosilicates, borates, silicates and carbonates. In addition, the liquid laundry detergent also contain extra compositions such as opacifying agents, soil release polymers, suds suppressors, chelants, performance boosting polymers, dye transfer inhibiting polymers, stabilizers, viscosity modifiers, preservatives, structurants, citric acid, as well as benefit agent containing delivery particles. These additional ingredients are used to enhance the properties of the detergent. To manufacture the liquid laundry detergents, the very first step is to choose right raw materials by depending on the factors, such as cost, human and environmental safety, as well as the specific properties that we desired in the final product. In this process, continuous blending is required. Dry ingredients are mixed with liquid ingredients which include water solution and solubilizers. Solubilizers are added to ensure stability and evenness of the final product. Then, they are blended evenly to form a mixture by using static or in-line mixers. Besides that, in order to produce a more concentrated liquid laundry detergent, a new high energy mixing process combined with stabilizing agents can used.

Friday, October 25, 2019

We were kids… :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

We were kids†¦    High school. A safe abode free from the anger and hatred that wells from the streets of every city we've ever known. This place where smiles trickle in the half glow of routine. This place where, almost assured of treason's guilt one hides their anguish in desperate, fearful anticipation of secret forays with whispered confessions.    We were kids when we came. I was a kid when I came. I had tasted some small trickle of life and became certain of some things myself. I clung to an identity afraid I might be seen as a child who didn't know. I wasn't ready to listen and still I'm not. Not to those who do not cherish diversity. Not to those who post the same agenda on every face but for a different Ivy League university. Not to those who with their power, their judgement squeeze from me, my desires and dreams. Not to those who stifle my screams of pain and rage in the belief that world peace can only achieved through some king of frozen grinned, sweaty rolled up, button down cotton shirt diplomacy instead of a whole lot of healing. Do you hear me in this silence: You gotta know what needs to be healed so, cry out, CRY OUT! . . . Someone did that once, this guy who hated more and was angry more than anyone I'd ever met (even more angry than my older brother), it was last year and he only went nuts for just that one nig ht and besides he was really drunk. It took a few days for the bewildered rumours to hit me and the guy was my roommate, the bravest guy I've ever met.    We were kids when we came and as kids we grow up, we fall down, we make mistakes, we even make believe. As kids moving into the intricate intrigue of sick societies with a multitude of roads, paths, back alleyways and even underground shopping concourses we sometimes get confused, lost and uncertain. Decisions loom and our futures are relegated to the dull glint of role models whose paths we may hope to follow. But what once worked, what once we valued, may now have fallen from our esteem. Relevancy is ever changing and roads deteriorate in crumbling empires, traffic flows change and as we wait to cross the road we find cars more reluctant to stop and fewer and fewer people ready to join us at the sidewalk's edge. We were kids†¦ :: Personal Narrative Essay Example We were kids†¦    High school. A safe abode free from the anger and hatred that wells from the streets of every city we've ever known. This place where smiles trickle in the half glow of routine. This place where, almost assured of treason's guilt one hides their anguish in desperate, fearful anticipation of secret forays with whispered confessions.    We were kids when we came. I was a kid when I came. I had tasted some small trickle of life and became certain of some things myself. I clung to an identity afraid I might be seen as a child who didn't know. I wasn't ready to listen and still I'm not. Not to those who do not cherish diversity. Not to those who post the same agenda on every face but for a different Ivy League university. Not to those who with their power, their judgement squeeze from me, my desires and dreams. Not to those who stifle my screams of pain and rage in the belief that world peace can only achieved through some king of frozen grinned, sweaty rolled up, button down cotton shirt diplomacy instead of a whole lot of healing. Do you hear me in this silence: You gotta know what needs to be healed so, cry out, CRY OUT! . . . Someone did that once, this guy who hated more and was angry more than anyone I'd ever met (even more angry than my older brother), it was last year and he only went nuts for just that one nig ht and besides he was really drunk. It took a few days for the bewildered rumours to hit me and the guy was my roommate, the bravest guy I've ever met.    We were kids when we came and as kids we grow up, we fall down, we make mistakes, we even make believe. As kids moving into the intricate intrigue of sick societies with a multitude of roads, paths, back alleyways and even underground shopping concourses we sometimes get confused, lost and uncertain. Decisions loom and our futures are relegated to the dull glint of role models whose paths we may hope to follow. But what once worked, what once we valued, may now have fallen from our esteem. Relevancy is ever changing and roads deteriorate in crumbling empires, traffic flows change and as we wait to cross the road we find cars more reluctant to stop and fewer and fewer people ready to join us at the sidewalk's edge.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Deviance: Sociology and Strain Theory

â€Å"Deviance in sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules (e. g. , crime) as well as informal violations of social norms. † People consider an act to be a deviance act because of the three sociological theories: control theory, labeling theory and strain theory. It deeply reflected in the movie called â€Å"Menace II Society†. Control theory. Portrayed in this movie, there are 2 control systems working against our motivations to deviate. Inner controls (things inside you that stop you from deviating- morals, religious beliefs, conscience).O-Dog consistently goes to kill some guys with Caine, but Caine doesn’t intend to kill anyone, just to scare them. Caine says â€Å" I never killed anyone because I didn’t see the reason to kill. † There was also many outer controls (things outside of you that stop you from deviating- parents, police, the law) portrayed in this movie. The stro nger our bonds, connections with society, the more effective our inner controls. Bonds based on attachments, commitments, involvements, and beliefs. Caine is unable to control himself due to the badly influenced bond or connection with the society.There was a party in his house when he was very young, his parents sold and did drugs. When Caine sneaked out of his house and talked to people (his parent’s friends) he learned how to hold gun and drink. His mother caught him and tells him to go back to the house. But never really told him why it was bad. He and his parents didn’t have a strong bond because they weren’t able to control themselves either. After Caine grew up there was a time when he was charged as an adult, but the authorities lessen the charge to joyriding and let him go after linking him to the liquor store killings but failing to prove his involvement.He later buys a stolen Ford Mustang from a car shop and robs a youth at a fast-food drive through f or his new wheel rims, chains, and pager. Caine admits in the end of the movie that he wishes he had made better decisions, but now it was too late to correct them. His final thoughts, given in voiceover, are: â€Å"I had done too much to turn back, and I had done too much to go on. I guess, in the end, it all catches up with you. My grandpa asked me one time if I care whether I live or die. Yeah, I do. And now it's too late. If he had stronger and good bonding with his grandfather who he describes him as â€Å"a biblical man† he would have been able to control himself. And wouldn’t have end up dead. Labeling theory. The labels that people are given affect their own and others’ perceptions of them, leading to conformity or deviance (labels can be good or bad)Most people resist the negative labels others try to give us, however, if we hear that we a thug long enough, we may finally accept that label and start living as a thug. Black race is the most stereotyped out of many races.Due to being consistently stereotyped they really become who they are being stereotyped as. In the starting of this movie The Korean storekeeper and his wife watch them suspiciously, and O-Dog rails against them. As O-Dog is finished paying and is about to leave the store with Caine, the shopkeeper tells, â€Å"I feel sorry for your mother. † O-Dog takes offense and shoots the Korean storekeeper and his wife, taking the video surveillance tape of the shooting before he and Caine flee. O-Dog keeps the tape and entertains his friends by showing it to them, and there is talk of a copy being made for others in the neighborhood to watch.Also Caine and Sharif are beaten by racist policemen without any reason and left in Mexican gang territory, apparently with the expectation that the Mexicans will further assault them. The Mexicans take them to a hospital instead. Strain theory is a strive to reach cultural goals of wealth and success. Some experience strain (frus tration) when they can’t get those goals, feel anomie (disconnect), turn to deviance to try to reach the goals (ex. – you want a nice car, but can’t get a legit job to earn enough to buy it.. So steal one instead) Caine sells cocaine.He explains how he has learned through O-Dog how to survive in the streets while Mr. Butler told him how to survive in good. Caine’s parents have been living the same way as Caine did. His parents did cocaine and other kinds of drugs in order to make the living such as Caine. Also while Harold and Caine are waiting in traffic, a van pulls up next to them, and they are carjacked at gunpoint. Harold is slow to surrender his wallet and jewelry, so the carjacker shoots. This is the way that ghettos live. They do not work or neither try to work. Through many racism, stereotype, and they way they were raised and taught.Deviance act seems to be greatly influenced by nurturing and environment. In this movie I felt like deviance occur s because controlling theory, labeling theory, and strain theory. Through lack of controls of parents, racial stereotyping, learning the survival through an in proper way have influenced people, they have become uncontrollable in themselves, even though they know doing drugs, killing people are wrong they were never taught the seriousness of doing and selling drugs and killing people. It shows in the last part of the movie when Caine says â€Å" I wish I haven’t done the things that I have done. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bank of England Essay

The Bank of England, is the central bank of the United Kingdom . Established in 1694, it is the second oldest central bank in the world, and the world’s 8th oldest bank if you include commercial banks. It was established to act as the English Government’s banker, and to this day it still acts as the banker for the U.K Government, the Bank was privately owned and operated from its foundation in 1694 but it was nationalised in 1946. The bank of England has about  £156 billion pounds worth of gold ingots as a backup if people start to ask for their money back , the bank also acts a custodian for other counties gold, including Germanys and various other counties. History The establishment of the bank was devised by Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax, in 1694.He suggested loan of  £1.2m to the government; in return the subscribers would be incorporated as The Governor and Company of the Bank of England with long-term banking privileges including the issue of notes. The Royal Charter was granted on 27 July through the passage of the Tonnage Act 1694. Public finances were in poor a condition at the time that the terms of the loan were that it was to be serviced at a rate of 8% per year, and there was also a service charge of  £4,000 per year for the management of the loan. The first governor was Sir John Houblon, who is depicted in the  £50 note issued in 1994. The Bank’s original home was in Walbrook in the City of London, unitl it moved to its current location on Threadneedle Street, and thereafter slowly acquired neighbouring land to create the bulding seen today. When the idea and reality of the National Debt came about during the 18th century this was also managed by the bank. By the charter renewal in 1781 it was also the bankers’ bank – keeping enough gold to pay its notes on demand until 26 February 1797 when war had so diminished gold reserves that the government prohibited the Bank from paying out in gold. This prohibition lasted until 1821. The 1844 Bank Charter Act tied the issue of notes to the gold reserves and gave the bank sole rights with regard to the issue of banknotes. Private banks which had previously had that right retained it, provided that their headquarters were outside London and that they deposited security against the notes that they issued. A few English banks continued to issue their own notes until the last of them was taken over in the 1930s During the period which lasted from 1920 to 1944, the Bank made deliberate efforts to move away from commercial banking and become a central bank. In 1946 the bank was nationalised by the Labour government. On 6 May 1997, following the 1997 general election which brought a Labour government to power for the first time since 1979, it was announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, that the Bank of England would be granted operational independence over monetary policy. Under the terms of the Bank of England Act 1998 which came into force on 1 June 1998. Location The Bank’s headquarters has been located in London’s main financial district, the City of London, on Threadneedle Street, since 1734. The busy road junction outside is known as Bank junction as well as the tube terminal called ‘Bank’. Employees The bank currently employees around 1900 people. Sir Mervyn King is the most executive figure within the bank, he then has two deputies under him who are called Charles Bean and Paul Tucker, there are then 10 directors under them responsible for the everyday decisions of the bank and its subsidiaries. Functions of the Bank The Bank of England performs all the functions of a central bank. The most important of these is supposed to be maintaining price stability and supporting the economic policies of the British Government, thus promoting economic growth. There are two main areas which are tackled by the Bank to ensure it carries out these functions efficiently. Monetary stability – stable prices and confidence in the currency are the two main criteria for monetary stability. Stable prices are maintained by making sure price increases meet the Government’s inflation target. The Bank aims to meet this target by adjusting the base interest rate, which is decided by the Monetary Policy Committee, and through its communications strategy, such as publishing yield curves. Financial stability -maintaining financial stability involves protecting against threats to the whole financial system. Threats are detected by the Bank’s surveillance and market intelligence functions. The threats are then dealt with through financial and other operations, both at home and abroad. In exceptional circumstances, the Bank may act as the lender of last resort by extending credit when no other institution will. The Bank of England has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales. Scottish and Northern Irish banks retain the right to issue their own banknotes, but they must be backed one to one with deposits in the Bank of England, excepting a few million pounds representing the value of notes they had in circulation in 1845. Since 1998, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has had the responsibility for setting the official interest rate. However, with the decision to grant the Bank operational independence, responsibility for government debt management was transferred to the new UK Debt Management Office in 1998, which also took over government cash management in 2000. The Bank used to be responsible for the regulation and supervision of the banking and insurance industries, although this responsibility was transferred to the Financial Services Authority in June 1998. After the financial crises in 2008 new banking legislation transferred the responsibility for regulation and supervision of the banking and insurance industries back to the Bank.

5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Abortion

5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Abortion 5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay on Abortion In the modern world, the debate on whether abortion should be legalized has dominated discussions for years. While some people see abortion as murder, others believe that abortion should be allowed in the case of ‘unwanted’ pregnancy. This is when the pregnancy was not planned, and the mother is either not ready to have a child, or the birth of the child may pose a danger to the mother and the child. When one participates in this debate constructively, you need to prepare a well-structured essay that demystifies the issues surrounding the abortion issue. Such an essay can be an important tool that people can use to support, or oppose, the issue of legalizing abortion. A 5-paragraph argumentative essay on abortion should include the following five points: The first paragraph should introduce the debate and the contested issues concerning abortion. For instance, the writer should explain who supports legalization of abortion, and who does not. The writer should also give the reasons why people have these differing opinions. The second paragraph should explore one side of the debate. For instance, the writer can explore whether abortion should be legalized and whether such action of legalization of abortion will be a violation of human rights, ethics, laws governing the society, and the rights of any specific member of a group of the society. The third paragraph should explore the other side of the debate. In this case, the writer should explain why legalization of abortion is vital and the conditions under which it should be allowed. The writer can explain what the repercussions would be if the state does not legalize the issue of abortion and what society stands to lose by having a blanket ban on abortion. The fourth paragraph should explore the validity of the arguments that both sides provide. The literature on the issues that the writer raises in support of the issue of abortion and its legalization should be discussed. The writer can use legal arguments as part of its presentation, or, religious arguments to credit or discredit the arguments of both sides of the debate. The fifth paragraph should present the facts that emerged in the previously written paragraphs. Since the fifth paragraph is the concluding paragraph, the writer can give his/her personal opinion based on the facts presented. Why not to try our professional essay writing service designed to help students with writing college essays. Get a custom paper on Abortion now!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What is a History Research Paper

What is a History Research Paper Whats the difference between a history essay and a history research paper? Read here to get the answer. What Is a History Research Paper? A history research paper differs from a common history essay by requiring greater effort while doing background research, organizing structure, reviewing the literature and so on. These factors are actually lying on the surface, but if you dig deeper, you will see at least a dozen other parameters that need to be taken into account. Unlike a simple history essay, which only requires proper structuring and language, research papers on history topics require a more substantial approach, which will be discussed further. Although the topics below are aimed to write a history essay on, they may serve you as good ideas for your research paper topic: 50 Ideas for History Essay Topics General Tips for Writing a History Research Paper 1. Select a topic  that is neither too broad nor too narrow. The pitfalls of either choice are obvious: if the topic is too narrow you will have nothing to research or write about. 2. Present an argument. Your research paper should be designed in such a way that it should give your opponents the chance to ask questions. Your role is substantiating your claim by referring to the background research. The quality of your argumentation will determine the overall success of your paper. 3. Rely on primary information. Your history project should rely on primary sources and thoroughly analyze secondary information. History projects require that you work with primary facts and then interpret them, showing your judgment and analysis. Again, dont forget to back up your claims with facts and research. 4. Think of a title. Think of a good eye-catching title for your paper, it will provoke readers interest in your paper, at least on initial stages. 5. Consider your opposition. You take into account the audience you are writing for and write having your specific audience in mind. 6. Use proper language. Research papers require a use of formal language, dont allow any slang, contractions and also demand that the overall voice of your research paper remains consistently objective throughout the text. Needless to say that your paper should be proofread for errors, should contain no mistyped words and flow nicely. 7. Dont forget formatting structure. The structure and format are generally dictated by the writing format. Depending on whether you have APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard standards to follow, you should modify your paper accordingly. The writing standard will impact almost everything in your research paper, starting from your cover page and formatting to referencing and the bibliography page. Therefore format should be paid great attention to from the start. Bear in mind the above-mentioned tips to write your research paper on history. If this writing task is too complicated  for you, we are here to assist you. Visit our Order Page for details.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hoitsus Mount Fugi by Sakai Hoitsu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hoitsus Mount Fugi by Sakai Hoitsu - Essay Example As a people of tradition and ritual, the Japanese put meaning into their artistic works that was defined by symbols that were readily available to all of those within the culture. Through the nature of this strong sense of symbolism, the people of Japan have left a long body of work that establishes patterns and belief systems about their culture. The artwork of Hoitsu and the writing of Basho are both a part of this heritage and contribute to the discourse through a connected cultural dialogue. The idea of meisho as it is described by Machotka as it refers to painting is that it represented a famous place, connecting the viewer to the image through heritage and culture. The fascinating element of meisho and its application in painting is that artistic works not only would often use the idea in their works, but in pre-modern Japan there was not the idea of creating a landscape that was not also representative of meisho. Machotka states that â€Å"Japanese painting tradition did not appreciate places from outside of the vocabulary of meisho as an independent art theme as well as it did not demonstrate general concern in realistic description of views, which would evoke their authenticity†.1 Machotka also discusses the idea that many of the visual references were close to unidentifiable, but because they were associated with literary references, poetic descriptions of places from well known works, that identified them to the basic associations that were visually availa ble.2 Looking at the two paneled screen from the perspective of the viewer, the simplicity of the depiction is the first thing to strike the eye. There is a feeling of movement, but it is not harried nor is it in tension.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Capital (Degree in Diploma in addiction studies-university Essay

Social Capital (Degree in Diploma in addiction studies-university level) - Essay Example Bourdieu came forward with his definition of social capital more than three decades back. Here, it needs to be conceded that his concept had lesser acceptability than his other works in the sphere of sociology. At a later point of time, James Coleman came out with his definition of social capital where, he endeavored to blend both economics and also sociology. As a matter of fact, he termed his elaboration as the rational action theory, which exerted tremendous influence on policy makers as well as sociologists. Putnam emphasized on both the key aspects of civic activity and association, and also the reasons for which they are pivotal for integration of society. (1) Definition of Pierre Bourdieu The explanation of social capital by Bourdieu is based on social hierarchy, and he strongly opined that economic capital is the basis for all forms of capital. He argues that it is but inevitable that social capital leads to inequality, and here it (social capital) is not fully reliant on cul tural and economic capital. He explains that the returns that different persons obtain for the same capital tends to be unequal. Bourdieu adds that the returns are directly linked to the extent to which individuals can utilize various social networks. To support his argument, he uses professionals such as doctors and lawyers as examples. Bourdieu states that the social capital of these professionals is inclusive of their goodwill in the society and the social connections. And they (professionals) make full use of their social capital in bringing about a rise in the number of clients seeking their services. In fact, apart from furthering their present professions, the professionals also stand a strong chance of making it big in the avenue of politics. While focusing on all that, he says that persons depending solely on their academic qualifications and not on any social networks are in a position of disadvantage. They cannot attain the success that is being achieved by the aforesaid professionals, and the key reason for this being inadequate connections. (2) The definition of bourdieu totally opposes the more humane approach towards social capital. For, he emphasizes just on the way in which some select persons and groups are in a position to craftily utilize their networks, for furthering their own interests. Bourdieu does not see social capital as something that can benefit all members of a society. Here, it would be ironical to be noting that, this particular definition of social capital is in stark contrast to the values of democracy that Bourdieu endorsed in his political and journalistic activities. (3) Overall, he views social capital as a concept that just enables the already strong in maintaining their strength. Bourdieu’s analysis (of social capital) almost considers coordinated and collective actions as being irrelevant. His interpretation of social capital emphasizes that there is no way in which the less-fortunate people of the society can u se it (social capital) to bring about an improvement in their circumstances. (3) Definition by James Coleman The definition of social capital given by James Coleman, a famous sociologist of the US, gained much more recognition than the one of Bourdieu. Backed by extensive studies that he carried out in the ghettos of USA, Coleman pointed out that social capital is not confined to just the elite sections of

How BIM technologies are beneficial for contemporary digital design Assignment

How BIM technologies are beneficial for contemporary digital design - Assignment Example It does possess a whole range of advantages in the modern digital designs. The designers are shifting massively to this new technology due to its immense benefits. The concept is simple to use by the engineer, contractor, clients and manufacturers provided there is sharing of information. The engineer regulates energy consumption. The contractor monitors the building process. The client provides a useable space while the manufacturer deals with product maintenance through servicing it and maintaining its performance(HM Government, 2012, p 6). It is an integral component in the building industry. Most construction firms are using the protocol, which not only conserves time and money, but also creates artistic impressions worth winning admiration. Utilization of Building Information Modelling enables the project construction at minimal losses. Majority of the projects comprises incorporation of 18 disciplines involved in design and fitting (Succar, 2009, p 360). The process in working utility process rotates around collaboration with the client, unification of data creation, management and sharing and coordinated information model. There is also a technique of detecting any of a crash or wastage. To streamline the construction site, ground is well prepared for efficient, and accuracy. The data in extraction from the BIM is also useful in setting up the drilling depth. Adoption of the BIM enhances the performance levels. The project progress is fast, accurate and saves resources in use. The Model in use can check for the architectural clash in the building station. The amount of the materials in use are clear too as the model can calculate the same. The three dimensional technology under use generates modelling scales that are easily visible hence enhancing communication among the constructors. The feedback among the stakeholders is timely hence decrease in

How are Clausewitzian concepts (if any) illuminated by Napoleon's Essay

How are Clausewitzian concepts (if any) illuminated by Napoleon's experience - Essay Example Instead, he used his military victories over neighbouring countries to instill in them new institutions and codes of law. He introduced new forms of education and ways of doing politics. The introduction of various civil codes throughout Europe were perhaps his greatest achievement (McLynn, 255). He himself believed his Civil Code would long outlast any of his military glories (Wanniski, 184). But they could not have been introduced without the wars that preceded them. Napoleon was a genius when it came to warfare and operations, but he had a larger vision too (Archer, 380). Napoleon had a vision for Europe and for France. He felt that certain principles should be at the forefront of the Continental way of life. He was clearly an operational genius with respect to military affairs, but he also embodied, more than anyone, the Clausewitzian maxim that war is politics by other means. Work consulted Archer, Christon I.; John R. Ferris, Holger H. Herwig. World History of Warfare. Universi ty of Nebraska Press, 2002. McLynn, Frank. Napoleon. Pimlico, 1998. Wanniski, Jude. The Way the World Works. Regnery Gateway, 1998.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Expansion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Expansion - Case Study Example For instance, one of the sites suggests that surface travel arrangements by travel agents for employees to go for work is encouraged by lot of local employers in the UK. 3. If the above two steps encourage him to expand his business to a level, beyond his individual capacity, then he must think in terms of creating a corporate body which will enable him to raise funds for bigger investments, without much difficulty and with reasonable risks. Perhaps, the strategic approach under item 4, that is collaboration with worldwide organizations, can be taken up immediately. He may progresses with the other three items for expanding his business on long term basis, simultaneously. With regard to the Website, it is a basic requisite today and it will not be expensive as he presumes. But, what we should be concerned with is to make people visit the Website. That is more expensive but inevitable.

Logistic Regression in Nursing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Logistic Regression in Nursing Practice - Essay Example The other reasons are difficulty in leaving their job at hand to access healthcare, lack of time to pursue healthcare, vernacular issues and afraid of the medical care system. There have been very few studies which tried to correlate the conditions of US farmworkers that is being related to health care usage. Unfortunately, those studies lacked representativeness of the population and may have some bias associated with it to draw an inference. Thus the goal of this study was to draw fairly a true representative sample from the population of US farmworkers to reduce the component of bias in the statistical interpretations to be made. On the basis of sampling strategies as discussed, the study selected correlates based on previous literature and the behavioural model for vulnerable populations which imposes the fact the predisposing, enabling, and need characteristics that influence the health care usage. An ecological model was selected to specify the several levels of influence on be haviour, which provided the the overall framework for calculations. Thus the ultimate aim was to find out how each factor relates to health care usage in relation to various factors or correlates and to suggest the interventions needed to improve the health care usage based on these observations. The Way Regression Equation Is Used Regression equations are used to define the magnitude and direction of relation of one variable with another variable( simple regression) or the relation of a set of variables with another variable.(multiple regression equations like logistic regression equations based on ordinary least squares or linear regression equations). The variable which is studied is called the criterion (dependent variable, in this case the health care usage) and the variable/s on which the dependant variable depends are called the predictor (independent variables, in this case the individual variables, policy variables, ecological variables). Therefore in this study the Health care usage was correlated in the equation by bivariate models and multivariate models. Bivariate means predicting the health care usage depending upon another variable with which health care is correlated. In multivariate logistic regression model the health care usage was predicted holistically depending upon two or more variables because in bivariate model only one independent variable is considered. In multivariate logistic model many variables at a single time in relation to each other and health care usage can be evaluated which gives a more realistic view to the situation because individual variables, behavioural variables, ecological variables are all related to each other to finally impact health care usage. In other words the multiple regression equations provide a logical and at once glance of the weighted impact of all the independent variables on the dependent variable ( in this case health care usage pattern). In logistic equations the important aspect is to evaluate th e correlation coefficients which means how a variable is related to other that is whether increase in the value of one will increase or decrease the magnitude of another variable. This coefficient called product moment correlation(r) has a value from -1 to +1. This means more the positive magnitude more the increase in magnitude of one variable will increase the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How are Clausewitzian concepts (if any) illuminated by Napoleon's Essay

How are Clausewitzian concepts (if any) illuminated by Napoleon's experience - Essay Example Instead, he used his military victories over neighbouring countries to instill in them new institutions and codes of law. He introduced new forms of education and ways of doing politics. The introduction of various civil codes throughout Europe were perhaps his greatest achievement (McLynn, 255). He himself believed his Civil Code would long outlast any of his military glories (Wanniski, 184). But they could not have been introduced without the wars that preceded them. Napoleon was a genius when it came to warfare and operations, but he had a larger vision too (Archer, 380). Napoleon had a vision for Europe and for France. He felt that certain principles should be at the forefront of the Continental way of life. He was clearly an operational genius with respect to military affairs, but he also embodied, more than anyone, the Clausewitzian maxim that war is politics by other means. Work consulted Archer, Christon I.; John R. Ferris, Holger H. Herwig. World History of Warfare. Universi ty of Nebraska Press, 2002. McLynn, Frank. Napoleon. Pimlico, 1998. Wanniski, Jude. The Way the World Works. Regnery Gateway, 1998.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Logistic Regression in Nursing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Logistic Regression in Nursing Practice - Essay Example The other reasons are difficulty in leaving their job at hand to access healthcare, lack of time to pursue healthcare, vernacular issues and afraid of the medical care system. There have been very few studies which tried to correlate the conditions of US farmworkers that is being related to health care usage. Unfortunately, those studies lacked representativeness of the population and may have some bias associated with it to draw an inference. Thus the goal of this study was to draw fairly a true representative sample from the population of US farmworkers to reduce the component of bias in the statistical interpretations to be made. On the basis of sampling strategies as discussed, the study selected correlates based on previous literature and the behavioural model for vulnerable populations which imposes the fact the predisposing, enabling, and need characteristics that influence the health care usage. An ecological model was selected to specify the several levels of influence on be haviour, which provided the the overall framework for calculations. Thus the ultimate aim was to find out how each factor relates to health care usage in relation to various factors or correlates and to suggest the interventions needed to improve the health care usage based on these observations. The Way Regression Equation Is Used Regression equations are used to define the magnitude and direction of relation of one variable with another variable( simple regression) or the relation of a set of variables with another variable.(multiple regression equations like logistic regression equations based on ordinary least squares or linear regression equations). The variable which is studied is called the criterion (dependent variable, in this case the health care usage) and the variable/s on which the dependant variable depends are called the predictor (independent variables, in this case the individual variables, policy variables, ecological variables). Therefore in this study the Health care usage was correlated in the equation by bivariate models and multivariate models. Bivariate means predicting the health care usage depending upon another variable with which health care is correlated. In multivariate logistic regression model the health care usage was predicted holistically depending upon two or more variables because in bivariate model only one independent variable is considered. In multivariate logistic model many variables at a single time in relation to each other and health care usage can be evaluated which gives a more realistic view to the situation because individual variables, behavioural variables, ecological variables are all related to each other to finally impact health care usage. In other words the multiple regression equations provide a logical and at once glance of the weighted impact of all the independent variables on the dependent variable ( in this case health care usage pattern). In logistic equations the important aspect is to evaluate th e correlation coefficients which means how a variable is related to other that is whether increase in the value of one will increase or decrease the magnitude of another variable. This coefficient called product moment correlation(r) has a value from -1 to +1. This means more the positive magnitude more the increase in magnitude of one variable will increase the

Dystopian Fiction Essay Example for Free

Dystopian Fiction Essay Dystopian fiction is a world where everything is misery and is under strict order by the government and the people have no control and rights in the world they live in. The general reason why authors write dystopian fiction based books is to have criticism on society today or give warnings on the possibility of what could happen to our world and the devastating effects that can happen if we were to have a dystopian world. 1984 is set in a totalitarian society and this book gives us a message that too much government is a bad thing people should be able to have the right and should not be influenced under a totalitarian society. Harrison Bergeron is set in a world where everyone is equal and are handicapped to make sure everyone is equal and nobody can be different the book makes criticism of social engineering allowing stupidity. The calorie man is set in New Orleans and a smuggler Lalji as he tries to bring back fertility in crops and stop genetic manufacturing of food sources and crop and stop the business making the profit. All of these book of us strong warnings of the possibility’s that our world could sir come to, if we don’t treat things with serious care the some mistakes made in the past could be made in the future, and that the world should not be shaped to only be benefited by a single man or company This book is all a totalitarian society. The author of the book is George Orwell, published in 1949, which back then made this books time zone was about the future. This is a story were the world is all controlled by 1 party. This party sets a lot of demands that the society has to follow day by day or they will be punished. The whole society is being watched through electrical devises, whom some are not aware of where they are located. In this story, there is a guy named Winston who is a part of the party whom is making all the rules and restriction for the society to follow. All of a sudden Winston does not want to be a part of the party and starts to give warning to people that there is too much government control and starts to warn people about the danger of living in a totalitarian society. The warnings from this story talk about how the government in the real world are in control of all of us and the fear is that one day they will take privilege of the power and start to make strict restriction just like how the party did in the book. In the book Harrison Bergeron tells a completely different version to 1984 instead of a world of a totalitarianism society it  is in a world where they make everyone equal and compared to the normal world where if you are different to the normal way we live you are silenced, but everyone is given handicaps in order to be equal. His parents one who is handicapped because of his intelligence are watching and he is on TV trying to inspire a revolution against handicapping the gifted, he is then latter shot on TV but his parents are to handicapped to of noticed what had happened. Anyone who has. This has warnings of socials engineering, society being dumbed down in order to be equal and warning about being difference being seen as a bad thing. The calorie man is set in the future were resources have dried up and scientist a genetically making food in the New Orleans, The author Paolo Bicigalupi and warns us of the effects that can happen of corporations having control over food sources and genetic engineering and the corporate control This book offers us warnings against failing to act on climate change, the risk of corporations dominating public life, and the risks of using genetic engineering to solve food problems, the possibility of terminator seeds becoming a reality. That could happen, He wants to give us a warning of intrusting too much to science and not doing anything to save and fix the environmental issues we face today. Story is about Lalji a smuggler who agrees to take a job ferrying a geneticist out of the calorie company’s lands and bringing him to New Orleans. It’s discovered that he has the ability to reintroduce fertility into crops again to break the control of the calorie companies. The purpose of dystopian fiction is to give us warnings and tell us the possibility’s to what could happen under a totalitarian society and it tells us that we should have our own rights and everybody should be equal, The point of 1984 was to tell us the consequences of what happens in a dystopian world and under totalitarian society and government.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Material Culture in Education Essay

Material Culture in Education Essay This study explores the role of material culture in arts and design class at colleges in Singapore. Normally, students in a contemporary graphic design class face many difficulties particularly in interactive creation of arts and design. Basically, this study tends to identify and analyze the advantages of using material culture in a contemporary graphic design class. Furthermore, this paper also attempts to design an effective curriculum that will satisfy the needs of using material culture in a contemporary graphic design class. Concurrently, graphic design schools today face ever-increasing demands in their attempts to guarantee that students are well equipped to enter the workforce and navigate a complex world. Research indicates that material culture can help support learning concerning culture and past histories, and that it is especially useful in developing the higher-order skills of critical thinking, analysis, and scientific inquiry. But the mere presence of material culture in the classroom does not ensure their effective use when it comes in adding validity and substance to graphic design study. This study explores the various ways material culture can be used to improve how and what student learn in the classroom particularly in creative design and arts. Moreover, this paper pointed out the use of material culture as an effective learning tool in studying past history and culture is more likely to take place when embedded in a broader education reform movement that includes improvements in teacher training, curriculum, student assessment, and a schools capacity for change. In this study, the researcher investigated several variables that may influence the development and progress of students in different contemporary graphic design classes at colleges of Singapore. These included perceptions of problem difficulty, creative designing, value of art, and quality of work. The researcher believes that enabling the students to use material culture aided by the procedure in graphic design will result in effective learning and understanding in creative design and provides quality design and art. This research will analyze and investigate the role of material culture and personal perception of the students in Singapore. This shall include a discussion on the positive and negative variables related to material culture and contemporary graphic design, an analysis of performance of the students in school in relation to material culture was also conducted. Particularly, the research will focus on examining the role of material culture in contemporary graphic design provided by the school instructors/administrators. Basically, the results of the study will lead the researcher to the development and devise an effective curriculum in arts and design with respect to material culture in graphic design. Problem Statement This researcher finds the necessity for a study that specifically tackles the effects of material culture in contemporary graphic design at Colleges in Singapore. Specifically, this study intends to explore the significant impact of this material to the Colleges in Singapore that are related in contemporary graphic design. It will present the performance of the students by identifying weaknesses and inefficiencies and recommending solutions. Basically, the problem of this study is about conventional methodology in teaching which used a dry lecturer is really dull and takes a lot of time to finish a modular or syllabus of each topic depending on lecturer capabilities, skills, availability, mood and student indulgent of what their thought. That is not effective for students to get an effective way to learn, there is a need to get a new and effective approach since material culture may now touch the cultural and historical value of a certain art or design. The purpose of using material culture in a contemporary graphic design class is to develop a better learning than conventional method in colleges but through the early resistance, it emphasized their ability to appreciate art and learn it cultural and historical value perform the complex tasks needed in contemporary graphic design. Through material culture student can develop a bond and understanding of ones traditional cultures that motivate visual communication students to create strong cultural identity graphic design. Moreover, this study will try to answer the following queries: Can understanding of ones traditional cultures motivate visual communication students to create strong cultural identity graphic design? Can material culture add validity and substance to graphic design study? Purpose This study seeks to understand fully how students awareness of their traditional cultures might be the factor that motivate them to research and explore their cultures as a graphic design topic. Hypotheses This paper will work on the following hypothesis: Material culture in graphic design class in colleges plays significant effect to the students awareness of their traditional cultures. Material culture in graphic design class in colleges has significant effect to the memory retention of the students when it comes in studying traditional culture. Since it is exciting, challenging and fun to use, then it encourages students to study the material culture again and again. Material culture has significant effect to the learning improvement of the students since it attaches to ones traditional culture. Definition of Key Terms Graphic Design- Graphic Design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication ( Material Culture- Material Culture is a term often used by archaeologists as a non-specific way to refer to the artifacts or other concrete things left by past cultures. An archaeologist thus can be described as a person who studies the material culture of a past society ( Art- Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture, and paintings ( Education- Education encompasses the teaching of specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, good judgment and wisdom. One of the fundamental goals of education is to impart culture across the generations socialization. ( Knowledge- Knowledge includes, but is not limited to, those descriptions, hypotheses, concepts, theories, principles and procedures which to a reasonable degree of certainty are either true or useful. ( School-A school is a type of educational institution. The range of institutions covered by the term varies from country to country. ( Review of Literature World history has witnessed the birth, development, and achievements of the most talented people. These people have their distinct gifts and area of mastery literature, politics, arts, science, and so forth. Still, much of their success can be traced back to the kind of life and personality they had. Childhood experiences, support from people around them, environmental influences and personal motivations often determine how a gifted person makes use of his innate abilities to become an important figure in his chosen field of expertise. The world of arts is one of the most interesting topics of study. This field usually includes some of the most peculiar people who can express their personalities through unique paintings, sculptures, and drawings. Art education is culturally identified as a subject area that enables students to use their imagination and creativity to produce pieces of artwork from a wide variety of materials. This identification may also include the study of famous artists and their well-known artwork (Oliver, 2010). On the other hand, the cultural identity is constructed through various signs and symbols that the culture attribute to art education.   Symbols include art making materials (The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999). These materials that are attached to ones culture were known as â€Å"material culture†.   Material cultures are becoming known to the teachers in contemporary graphic design because of its motivational effect to their students in studying culture and art. In graphic design class, art symbol with respect to materials are crucial. An example of art education symbols are the variety of medias- both two and three dimensional that are used to illustrate subject matter. In addition to more practical symbols of art education are the humanitarian symbols which may include connecting with artists and their work, both contemporary and historical (The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The art and crafts around communities, in stores and on posters will always be a symbol of a reflection of art education (The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999). Another facet of creating a cultural identity is to reflect on the cultural rituals that are often associated with art education. The most apparent rituals include the various processes that are employed to make art.   It is important to remember that such rituals/processes are influenced by the geographical location of the school district (Oliver, 2010). Another cultural ritual attributed to art education is the physical demonstration that the art teacher must provide for students in order to teach them specific techniques. This demonstration often includes safety precautions as rituals that the students will then strictly employ to create art without hurting themselves with the tools in the making (Oliver, 2010). Other ritual distinctive to art education is the practice of critiquing students art work, often done by the whole class in order to provide constructive feedback and criticism of the finished piece of art.  Ã‚   One final ritual that should be imperative to an art education program is class field trips to museums, galleries, and artists studios that connect the learning of art in the school to actually viewing art in the community (The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999). It is important to connect these cultural rituals and symbols of art education to not only show how they produce a cultural identity, but also form a sense of social solidarity among students, teachers, and communities (Oliver, 2010). The visual arts or the graphic designs are arts that we see. It has its own language-the language of feelings, emotions and ideas without words. We could discover the world outside and inside us through visual arts. The visual artist through unspoken can communicate with us when he creates visual work of arts like painting. Paintings and works of art in general are meant to move us, especially in ways that words often cant. Graphic designs inspired by material culture play a major role not only in academic purposes but also in health and medicare related aspect and in the community as well. It develops the intelligence and the overall personality of the students. Moreover, graphic designs inspired by material culture also provide meaningful self-expression of all students. It is used in therapy procedures for aiding child development. It assists in educating disabled children, especially those who are blind and have hearing problems. And finally, visual arts also help in building communities and mural projects. In studying graphic designs inspired by material culture, it shows that visual arts and cultural identity are related. The cultural identity is constructed through various signs and symbols that the culture attribute to art education.   Methodology This section of the research proposal discusses the methods to be used.   This illustrates the method of research that identifies its applicability. Likewise, the section illustrates how the research was to be implemented and how to come up with relevant findings. Moreover, this methodology part of the research underwent into several stages. In the research design, the researcher collected data from students and teachers in some Colleges in Singapore that are using material culture in their graphic design class. At the time of data collection, the researcher gathered and sum upped the data acquired from these resources. Study Setting In accordance to the goal of this study i.e. to investigate the role of material culture in contemporary graphic design, the researcher decided to conduct the investigation in 10 Colleges in Singapore. Basically, in these 10 chosen schools in Singapore, a random sample of 10 students each will be chosen. The students to be included should be familiar to graphic design and material culture. Research Design Generally speaking, there are two research positions, often call paradigms, which researchers can choose from. The first is the quantitative paradigm in which researcher attempts to understand causal relationship of existing phenomena or attempts to discern the validity of the theory in a particular social context (Creswell, 1994). And since one of the purposes of this study determine the role of material culture in contemporary graphic design, the quantitative research position is taken here because it is appropriate for the research purpose. Aside from this, the second approach, called the qualitative paradigm, is not chosen. Actually, as indicated in the paper of Daymon Holloway (2002), the qualitative design the researcher assumes this position and attempts to understand a particular social phenomenon by using the actors frame of reference. In addition, data are presented not in numerical form but in actual words which is in contrast to the aim of this research. There are few research strategies that often used for conducting research such as survey, case study, action research, Ethnography etc. According to Yin (2003), there are three conditions to be considered for choosing an appropriate research strategy i.e. : The type of research question The extent of control an investigator has over actual behavioural events. The degree of focus on contemporary as opposed to historical events From the paper of Saunders, et al. (2007), survey approach often uses questionnaires to collect a large amount of data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way. Therefore, the survey approach is usually able to apply a more representative sample among a massive population for the study, trying to achieve generalisibility of the results. The case study, however, according to Denscombe (1998), is an investigation that focuses on detailed, in-depth descriptions and analysis of one or a few organisations. This approach is normally use to explore the phenomenon by in-depth data gained in the research context. This implies that the research results gained by case study cannot be generalized to a larger population due to that the investigation range is limited. By considering this limitation of case study approach, the researcher opted to choose the survey method. Population and Sampling Plan The sample size consists of students, who are the logical key informant related closely to the issue under investigation, as well as the teachers numbering to 10 subjects.   There is no reason to believe that 10 teachers is not a large enough sample size because ultimately it is this individual who works directly with the issue and teachers has the most intimate knowledge of the subject. Basically, the survey respondents are asked regarding their perception towards material culture and graphic designing and students performance. In essence, Guilford Fruchter (1973) argued that in choosing sample sizes, the Slovins formula should be considered. Therefore, in selecting the sample size (100 students) in this paper was identified by Slovins formula. The Slovin (1960) formula is given as: Where: e= needed error margin (percent requirement for non-precision due to the use of the sample as an alternative of the population). N= size of population n = size of sample Data Collection Procedures Yin (2004) provides six different sources of data collection that is commonly used in case study methodology, which include documentation, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant observation and physical artifacts. The data collection method uses survey and interview that is to take place with the students and teachers, as these are the closest people working with the subject under scrutiny here Material culture and should serve as the key informant. In addition, students are also surveyed to understand how they feel about the use of material culture in their graphic design class since the teacher may provide biased information, however accessing the students is subject to the permission of the teacher who acts as the gatekeeper. If surveying the students is possible the survey that students will fill out will be left on the teachers desk where they can fill it out and return it to a drop box in a closed envelope without a name or other identifying information. The questions for the employees are created after a thorough review of literature. For documentation that refers to secondary information about the material culture and graphic designing, such considerations have been taken to reduce concerns as they would otherwise pertain to bias or the reliability and validity of the findings. Relying on documentation are used even if the students do participate since it strengthens the findings further (Yin, 2003). Documentation specifically includes performance reports and records, or books and journal articles discussing material culture and graphic design. Accessing of the teacher is going to take place by first, sending the school an outline of the study and ethical content forms and arrange meeting, through the telephone or MSN given geographical constraints, to explain what it is the research wishes to do and how it will benefit the organization. Ultimately, what the researcher wants to do is discern how training is able to increase students performance and the mechanisms that school in Singapore has in place to assure this. Executing the above step is useful since the gatekeepers are going to want to protect the interests of their students and the organization (Holloway Walker, 1999). Overall, the approach above is based on negotiation, which as researchers note, â€Å"Access is negotiated and re-negotiated throughout the research process† (Gubrium, Holstein, 2001, p. 301). The teacher was also assured that confidentiality by not releasing information that they do not want to be released and anonymity by using pseudonym s for students, participants and settings will be secured (Daymon Holloway, 2002). It is not unreasonable for the teacher to participate in the study given the steps executed above which are suggested by research methodology practitioners. Finally, research questions are based from the literature as is suggested by research methodology practitioners. Data Analysis To determine the perceptions of the student respondents pertaining to material culture and graphic design, the researcher a set of guide questions for the interview and prepared a questionnaire. A non-threatening questionnaire in nature that can be completed within 30 minutes are considered. The respondents graded each statement in the survey-questionnaire using a Likert scale with a five-response scale wherein respondents are given five response choices. The equivalent weights for the answers are: When the entire information consumer responses have been collected, the researcher used statistics to analyse it; and was assisted by the SPSS in coming up with the statistical analysis for this study. For the details gathered from journals, an evaluation was drawn in order to identify the role of material culture to contemporary graphic design. Moreover, this research will utilise the several statistics in order to determine the differences between their perceptions towards the impact of material culture on students performance and art appreciation. As stated above, the researcher was aided by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in the making and creation of the statistical analysis for this study. SPSS is one of the mainly and extensively accessible and potent statistical software packages that has a extensive range of statistical practices, which permits a researcher to sum up information (e.g. calculate standard deviations and means), identify whether there are major differences between groups (e.g., ANOVA t-tests), observe relationships among variables (e.g. multiple regression correlation) and graph output (e.g. line graphs, bar charts, pie chart, etc.) (Sauders, Lewis Thornhill 2007).   Concluding Remarks Significance This study will be a significant endeavour in promoting culture awareness among graphic design students. This study will be beneficial to future leaders. By understanding the needs of the students and the benefits of quality education, these practitioners will be assured of a larger progress performance. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to value students as they are taking a large part in the overall performance of the school quality education. This study would also be of help to those school and market scientists who are interested in finding out the social implications of the boom and the bust phases of the school industry. Moreover, educators can gain from this study, as they find the connection between how they have designed their curriculum and what are the actual needs of the citizens.   In that way, they would be able to make immediate changes, if necessary, or continued improvement of their programs, through further studies. Furthermore, it is hoped that this study would help the students to improve learning and appreciation skill through Material culture in Art and Design at colleges in Singapore because Material culture has many advantages/effectiveness such as retention and motivational factors in accordance to the leaning behavior of student. Thus, student can go deeply into each topic areas they need to learn without lecturer involvement because material culture is related to the history of the arts they are perceiving. Moreover, this paper introduced important changes in our educational system and gives a huge influence to the way we communicate information with students. It would make them as an active participant in their own learning process, instead of just being passive learners of the educational content.   Apparently, this research also hoped can provides an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the factors that impact on the students experiences of material culture in learning pr ocess. Finally, this study would benefit future researchers in the field of the, education, arts and design management, business and the social sciences since it depicts the future of the school industry and its varying effects to many sectors of society. Limitations This study will only cover material culture as part of studying contemporary graphic design in arts and design for the college students in some colleges in Singapore. Basically, this paper will only cover students selected from semester 1, conducted from some colleges in Singapore. As there are numerous issues surrounding the school, this research will primarily examine program development and performance progress. The outcome of this study will be limited only to the data gathered from books and journals and from the primary data gathered from the result of the questionnaire survey and interview that will be conducted by the researcher. As the research was completed in a relatively short period of time other factors and variables are not considered. This might have an impact on the results of the study.   Basically this research study will enable the researcher to design a quality curriculum that will satisfy the needs of the students. References: (1999). The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts. Retrieved March 24, 2010, from Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. Daymon, C. Holloway, I. (2002). Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications. Routledge. Denscombe, M. (1998), The Good Research Guide, Buckingham, Open University Press. Guilford, J.P. Fruchter B. (1973). Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, 5th Edition. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. Holloway, I. Walker, J. (1999). Getting a PhD in health and social care. Wiley. Oliver, S. (2010). The Importance of Visual Arts in Schools. A Free Article. Retrieved March 24, 2010, from Sauders M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A.(2007). Research method for business students, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow. Yin, R.K. (2003). Case Study Research Design and Method (2nd ed), Sage, Thousand Oaks.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Endless Witch Trials: Salem, Massachusetts, McCarthy Hearings, and the KKK :: essays research papers

What is the difference between witches in today’s society and witches in the past? Why were people accused of being witches? What were the punishments people got when they were accused of being a witch and found guilty? How is the witch trials repeated in history?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone talks about witches what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most people think of witches from movies such as the witch in the â€Å"Wizard of Oz† or in â€Å"Snow White and the Sevens Dwarfs†. These two witches are looked at as old, ugly and dressed in black from head to toe. People also think of witches in today’s society riding on brooms and chanting evil curses on their enemies. In the past witches could be anyone from the family doctor to the next door neighbor. The word witch comes from the old English word Wicca which means male witch. Witch also means to cast a spell on others. No matter how a witch is looked at, it’s all about mystery and magic. In Massachusetts there are two Salem’s, Salem town and Salem village. The villager wanted to be separated from the town. The accusing began in the village at the Parris’s home because of Reverend Parris wanting to accuse people. Then the Parris’s allies the Putnam’s started to get accused of witchcraft. In Salem people were accused to be witches because they were different or an outcast in the community. Tituba, who was a slave in the Parris household, was an easy person to accuse of practicing witch craft because she was black, mysterious and had a different religion and traditions. If people didn’t attend church they would also be accused of being a witch. Sarah Good was a beggar who everyone thought was mean spirited and always grumbling things to people even if they did give her money or food. She also smoked a pipe, which also gave people a reason to say she was performing witch craft. Sarah Osborne was another person accused of witchery becaus e she married her servant. Martha Corey, a well known church woman was accused because she was to inherit land from her husband who past way. Other people wanted to take that land from her, so they put a false accession on her. Other people in the village were accused because people didn’t like them or they weren’t in good social standings.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Vietnam War :: essays research papers

The Vietnam War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Vietnam War was the longest war in America's history of involvement. Twenty years of hell, land mines, cross-fire, and death. Vietnam was divided by the Geneva Accord. The north being communist run by Ho Chi Minh. The south being anti-Communist run by Ngo Dinh Diem. Before Vietnam was separated, it was run by France. France had ruled most of Indochina since the late 1800s. The Vietnamese were unhappy with the way the French were controlling, therefore, many of them took refuge in China. When in China, they began to follow the lead of Ho Chi Minh, who wanted to model the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence as that of the U.S. version. In the 1940s, Japan had taken over Vietnam which upset Ho Chi Minh and his revolutionaries when they had returned a year later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After returning, Minh had help from the Vietminh; an organization of communist that wanted freedom from other countries. Their main goal was to turn Vietnam into a self-governed communist country. France wanted none of this non-sense. In 1945 they had moved back into southern Vietnam and ruled most of the cities. Ho Chi Minh swore to fight France to gain control of the whole country. U.S. promised to aid France, and sent almost $15 million worth of financial aid to France. The French fought for four years, being financially aided by the U.S. the whole time. The U.S. spent nearly one billion dollars in order to help France regain control of the tiny country. The only reason that much effort was put into a small area was the fear of the y. Domino Theory. The Domino Theory first showed it's head during a 1954 news conference by U.S. President Eisenhower. The domino theory is the fear of the spread of communism from one country to the next, and so on. Even with the as sistance of the U.S. France could not gain the control it once had on Vietnam.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When president of south Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem decided that the election of 1956 should be canceled, America strongly agreed so that Minh could not gain control of the whole country. Diem was a Catholic, which angered the country consisting mostly of Buddhist. In opposition to Diem, a new regime was conjured up in south Vietnam called the Vietcong. Vietcong were residents of South Vietnam who were in favor of the communist rule in North Vietnam.